EPFO (Employee Provident Fund Organization) now provide facility to Check PF Balance Online for its members. I remember 10 year ago, we used to get 1 slip from EPFO every year in the month of October which provided PF balance details. To avoid frauds and to keep a check whether your organization is depositing PF contribution on time, you can check PF balance online. Just to add that terms PF (Provident fund) & EPF (Employee Provident Fund) are same & used interchangeably.
To check PF balance online, following information should be available with you
PF Number
It is mentioned on salary slip or you can request your HR to provide the same. PF Number will be similar to following format
XY: Region Code
AAA: Office Code
BBBB: Establishment Code (Max 7 digits)
CCC: Extension (Max 3 Characters). Extension is optional and may not be there in many PF accounts. By default its 000.
DDDDD: Your PF Account No (Max 7 digits)
Details of PF Office
It is not necessary that your PF office is located in same state or city where your office is. In my previous organization, my office was in Mumbai where as PF office was in Delhi because company was registered in Delhi. Please ask your HR to provide city and state of EPFO where your PF account is maintained.

Now lets find out how to check PF balance online. Its very easy and simple process.
Step 1: visit http://www.epfindia.com/
Step 2: Click on “Know your EPF Balance” option no 3 under “For Employees” section
Step 3: You will be directed to “Know your EPF Balance” page, it will give few instructions regarding the service. At the bottom of page, kindly select “Click Here to Know the balance”
Step 4: On the next page “Select PF Office State“
Step 5: Screen will show the list of EPFO office in the state selected by you. Click on “Office Name” Where your PF account is maintained
Step 6: Enter your Employee PF Account Number as explained above, your Name (as appears in EPF slip) & your Mobile no
Step 7: Agree to Terms & Conditions by clicking check box against I Agree & Submit the form
Step 8: You will get following confirmation on the screen
Your EPF balance has been sent through SMS on your specified mobile number. You shall receive the SMS shortly.
**Data updated till 16-12-2013 06:43:41
Step 9: Within few secs, you will receive your PF account balance through SMS on your mobile. SMS will provide complete details i.e. break up of employee & employer contribution and date till which PF balance is updated.
Its hardly 5 mins job to check pf balance online. If you have any query/comments on how to check PF balance online, kindly post it in following comments section.
Copyright © 2011-2013 Nitin Bhatia. All Rights Reserved.
It is showing name mismatch, when i give my full name as per company records!
Immediately bring it to the notice of your company’s HR Manager and give a written/email request to get it corrected in EPFO records else at the time of transfer or withdrawal you will face problem.
Hi Bhatia, good info’. However, the Govt ignored a very important and critical information that is required to use this facility; that is, from which year onwards these records are available online. No body has info’ reg what is the cut off year. PF was started some where in the 1970’s. But online records are available for PF accounts opened from year…. don’t know :(
For all the “Active” EPF accounts, information is available online from the date of opening of PF account. Infact, you will receive UAN (Universal Account No) shortly i.e. you need not to transfer PF account at the time of chaning job.
MH/1060/014163 ….Hi sir,this is my EPF number .I can’t bake to check my pf balance at online..please help me….
I would request readers not to share personal info on public forum to protect privacy.
To check balance, Mob no & other info is also required. I request you to follow the steps mentioned in this post to check your PF balance online.
Hi Nitin, I am in a dilemna now. I have completed 9 years 2 months in a company in Bengaluru. Now, I am leaving that and joining a different one.
Question is: Should I withdraw EPF and EPS. Can EPS be withdrawn.
Also, will I be able to transfer only EPS and withdrawing EPF. And, lastly is it worth transferring EPS given that option.
You can withdraw both EPF and EPS but i will suggest you to save this corpus for your retirement.
Recently EPFO has issued 12 digit UAN (Universal Account No) to all the members. I am sure your organization must have received your UAN from respective EPFO. Now you need not to transfer your EPF as you can provide your UAN to your new employer and they will link your new EPF no to your UAN. Once new EPF no is linked to UAN, The EPF proceeds of existing EPF no will automatically transfer to new EPF no without any hassle along with EPS.
Thanks a lot Nitin. Appreciate it.
I am having a Plot Loan (no tax exemption) and hence, was in a dilemna to either withdraw and pay towards the loan. Financially, it looks worth comparing 8.25% with 10.25% of my loan.
Do you suggest me still to go ahead by transferring it. Is it really worth at the time of retirement.
In my opinion, we should not dip into EPF and it should be reserved solely for retirement purpose. Though financially, it makes sense to clear loan with 10.25% ROI but at the same time, you should have financial road-map to save equivalent amount for retirement.
Hi Nitin,
I am working for Software company and my organization maintains PF through Trust, when i try to check my balance using the EPF number mentioned in the payslip i am getting error as Invalid Number/member name. Can you let me know as our organization is having PF Trust so the details will not apear in Govt site or do i need to inform any one
PF details of PF Trust will not reflect on EPFO site. You can contact your HR for any query related to your PF account.
I worked for a company which deducted my PF and reflected it in my salary slip as well. I changed my company and did not opt for PF here. What is the time after which my PF a/c will become dormant?
Do I need to open a new PF a/c if I opt for PF with new employer as well? I’ve my UAN and PF Details. I think it’s better to link the old a/c to avoid additional documentation etc.
A PF account become dormant if there NO contribution for 36 consecutive months. You may open PF account with new employer and link to existing UAN.
Hi Nitin,
1. a. I was working in CMC which later got merged into TCS and now am working in CTS.
after merging we were told that the PF details and amount of TCS will be updated with the PF details of CMC but its still not updated. Now am in dilemma whether to transfer my previous PF accnt to the new employer or shall i wait for the updation of PF details.
b. Can i transfer both(CMC,TCS) previous PF accnt’s to the new employer
2. a.When i try to check balance of PF accnt on net am getting error for name mismatch.
b. but when i sent a msg for my pf balance, i got the msg with correct details other than the balance showing zero. How is it possible ? I have been working since 5.4 yrs.
3. When i tried to check the eligibility for OTCP it was showing error for TCS and CTS PF accnts that membership details not available on the portal.
Plz help me with this. awaiting your reply.
1. (a)You may link through UAN
(b) It is not required, UAN will be single account no
2. Seems your name is not correctly entered
3. You may contact HR of concerned organization to sort this out.
please reply for 2b as well
when i sent a msg for my pf balance, i got the msg with correct details other but the pf balance showing zero. How is it possible ? I have been working since 5.4 yrs.
and the name in the msg I got on my mobile was correct to which I was getting error “name mismatch”.
It seems the PF account is not linked to the UAN therefore balance is 0.
OK. After employer has linked UAN to our PF accnt. do we need to activate UAN for the memberid i.e pf account each time on UAN portal ?
There is no action from your end. You should provide UAN to your employer and they should link PF account with your UAN.
Hi Nitin, How to check PF balance ? my pf account is maintained with my employer who has its own exempted establishment(i.e Trust). Not able to chk online.
Every year, employer should issue PF receipt to employees mentioning opening balance, contribution of employer/employer, interest earned and closing balance. If your employer is not sharing then you may demand the same.
Hi Nitin, My PF Account Number is of 2004. Can it be possible to check the PF balance online. I tried many time, but I couldn’t. Can you please help me…
You have not mentioned whether it is linked to UAN or not.
Thank you for your kind response. No, it is not linked with UAN.
If you have all the details then you can link the account to UAN. After that you can check the balance online.
I am not able to do it. can you please help me how to do it?
The UAN details are private and confidential. I cannot do it on your behalf.
Hi Sir
I’ve two EPF a/c and both are linked under my UAN. Do I need to transfer PF from my old a/c to my new a/c? Is it required since now both my a/c are now linked via a common UAN,
No action required from your end. The amount will be automatically transferred from old account to new account.
Hi Sir,
Just i want to know whether i can take PF loan for purchasing Agricultural land of 1 Acre
It is not clear whether you are referring to PPF or EPF.
from EPF
You cannot withdraw EPF for purchase of agricultural land. You can withdraw EPF for purchase of residential land.
Hi Nitin,
I was working in a company where the PF contribution was given to the government which I was able to see online. Now, I have switched company and have linked my UAN also. But, the issue I am facing is that I can not see my PF balance (it seems my organization maintains a trust for the same). My question is:
1. Will I be able to withdraw my PF contribution of previous organization now? If yes, How.
2. I worked for 4 years 9 months in the previous organization. Will the final amount be taxable for me?
3. Can I continue with both the PF accounts without contributing to one (since one was government and current is trust) without my account being blocked?
1. No. You can withdraw only for specific purposes. You can transfer the balance to your existing EPF account.
2. Yes
3. You can continue and will continue to earn interest on old EPF account. In my opinion, you should transfer.
Sir, that is the problem I am facing. The new PF account (since it is for a trust) is not identifiable in the PF site (UAN) and gives error as not able to identify the account. The UAN site still shows only my old PF account linked to my UAN. Even I want to transfer my account but I am stuck as even though the new PF account shows my UAN in my payslip but I am not sure whether the actual transfer has happened or not going by the UAN website. Totally confused with this Trust thing.
Once the transfer is completed, the transferred amount will reflect in your PF account balance.
when i input my details it always shows invalid credentials or invalid data
plz help me out for the same.
The details seems to be incorrect.
No sir the uan no and the epf number which is provided by my company i only enter those details with my phone number but confusion is that my number is not regustered as i check online so thats why i m not able to check balance so what should i do???
In this case, you may approach your employer. It seems that details are not updated correctly by your employer.
It seems your account details are not entered correctly. You may check your annual PF receipt for mismatch and request the respective trust to correct in the records.
how can i check my pf balnce, as i am working with TCS which is under exempted trust.
Plz suggest.
You may approach your HR for the same.
I don’t know how was my mobile no at that time of EPFO Registration. so how i will check my PF account balance please tell me.
You cannot check as you need OTP.
What is it ? and where to find it EPF Slip (as appears in EPF slip)
EPF Slip is shared by your employer every year.