Understanding Option Chain

5 Tips to Improve CIBIL Score

Improve CIBIL Score
Improve CIBIL Score

One of my reader Mr. Anil Gupta (Name Changed) from Jaipur sent me a query on how to improve CIBIL Score. I must say that there is no scientific formulae to improve credit score. Only Brahamastra to improve CIBIL score is to follow financial discipline & maintain healthy Credit Portfolio. Lot of my readers have availed paid services of some online portals to improve CIBIL Score but trust me none of them can help you to improve CIBIL score immediately. These portals only fool customers. Only Right advice & Credit guidance can help. Lets understand from following case study of Mr. Gupta, How we can improve CIBIL Score.

In June, 2007, Mr. Gupta opted for credit card from one of leading MNC bank. The bank executive assured that card is free for lifetime but next year his credit card statement had a transaction of Rs 2000 towards credit card annual fees. He approached bank multiple times to reverse the fees but bank refused to reverse the fees. He paid balance outstanding excluding annual fees of Rs 2000. Now in May’12, he approached one of leading PSU bank for Home Loan of 30 lacs but his loan application got rejected as his CIBIL Score is 675. He approached me regarding same. On studying his CIBIL report, i observed that Rs 26754 is being “Settled” by MNC bank against his credit card account. This entry impacted his CIBIL Score adversely. I sent him 6 points to improve his CIBIL Score based on his CIBIL Credit report and yesterday i received call from Mr Gupta that his CIBIL Score is now 762. Recently his home loan got sanctioned. Lets understand 5 important points which can help to improve CIBIL Score

1. Make All Payments on Time:

The most important point for Healthy CIBIL Score. It is better to opt for ECS facility for payment of Home Loan EMI’s, Credit Card Bills etc. on time. All the payments should be made atleast 5 working days before due date. If you are making payment through cheque then it is better to drop the cheque 10 days before due date as cheque clearance take time. While making payment through cheque we tend to ignore holidays falling between due date and date we dropped the cheque. In 89% cases customer dispute that i dropped cheque before due date & still bank levied charges for late payment. Please note that banks consider the date of payment not the date of cheque drop. I give following example to my reader.

Assume, your salary is due on 5th of every month and your employer handover cheque on 5th evening i.e. Friday. Saturday and Monday is a bank holiday. Your cheque will be cleared only on 11th of that month. From employer perspective he gave salary on 5th but from your perspective, you received it only on 11th. It is critical to make all payments on time to improve CIBIL Score.

2. Don’t show credit Hungry Behavior:

Now lets take e.g. of my blog subscriber Ms. Shwetha from Cochin, she passed out from college in 2010 and got a job in call centre. After opening salary account, she received call from 6-7 banks for credit card and she availed 5 credit cards. It shows credit hungry behavior. She got married in May’13 and she applied for home loan along with her husband. Home Loan got rejected due to low CIBIL score. Reason 5 credit cards shows credit hungry behavior and secondly she missed payment due date on many occasions as she used to forgot due date of few credit cards. It is advisable to keep only 2-3 credit cards. Also don’t keep changing credit card every now & then. Pls remember older credit card with regular payment record helps you improve CIBIL score rather new credit card.

Another e.g. of credit hungry behavior is by availing multiple loans simultaneously like personal loan, Car loan, Education Loan etc. Ant any point you should not have more than 2 loans.

Lastly too many credit enquiry in your CIBIL database by financial institutions shows credit hungry behavior. Many readers keep asking me this question, If i pull out my CIBIL score then will it impact my credit score. Answer is NO, it will not impact your CIBIL Score if report is pulled by you.

Credit hungry behavior is a big hindrance to improve CIBIL Score.

3. Use Credit Cards Responsibly:

95% of my reader’s CIBIL score is adversely impacted due to Credit Cards. I wrote article How to use Credit Cards Smartly? but if used irresponsibly then credit card is a biggest curse. It is advisable to exhaust only 30%-40% of available credit limit every month. Any excess usage might impact CIBIL score. If you need more limit then opt for 2nd card and plan your usage accordingly that it should not go beyond 40% on either of cards. If you are planning to make big purchase then you can request bank to increase your credit limit. If your track record is good then bank will happily increase your limit.

Another blunder committed by my readers is that they opted for Settlement in case of  payment dispute. Kindly note that bank report such cases as “Settled” in CIBIL and it adversely impact CIBIL score. Never ever opt for settlement rather close the account by clearing 100% payment outstanding. In case of dispute, you may approach bank ombudsman but by not paying & reaching settlement with bank will not help you.

Lastly whenever you close any credit card then it is recommended to take NOC from credit card provider. In many cases, customer place request for closure and then don’t follow up. Credit Card is closed only after receiving NOC from bank and your CIBIL database should be updated by bank within 45 days else it may impact your CIBIL Score negatively.

4. Secured & Un-Secured Loans:

I have highlighted this point in many posts. Secured Loans like Home Loans improve CIBIL Score as Home Loan builds long term appreciating asset whereas un-secured loans like car loan (depreciating asset), personal loan, credit card debt etc negatively impact CIBIL Score. It is advisable to opt for right mix of secured loan & un-secured loan. You credit portfolio should be 80% secured and 20% un-secured loans.

5. Credit Worthiness:

Consistency builds credibility & credibility improve CIBIL Score. Good history of timely payments and responsible credit behavior are key to credit worthiness. CIBIL Score of 750 score or more shows credit worthiness and above 800 CIBIL score means you are in elite club.

These days almost 100% loans are approved for customers with CIBIL Score of more than 700. There is no quick fix solution to improve CIBIL score. You have to work on your credit portfolio to improve CIBIL Score. Hope the above mentioned points will help to improve CIBIL Score. You can get your CIBIL Score online by clicking Here

If you have any generic query regarding CIBIL score then you may post in following comments section of this post. For personalized consultation on how to improve CIBIL Score (Chargeable basis), kindly mail your CIBIL Report along with your query to me by clicking CIBIL Score Query

Copyright © Nitin Bhatia. All Rights Reserved.

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10 years ago

Hi Nithin,

Your article’s are extremely educative and helpful, firstly i would like to appreciate your work :-).

Here is my query – I heard from a friend that cibil report can be cleared (sweeping the record) by following proper channels (I don’t want to mention names…. ) by paying a small amount as a fee ( better say commission). Is this really possible ? even if it is, is there any chance of getting the report cleared from the data base ? and lastly should i believe in these kind of roomers ?????

I was getting curious about this and would like to here from you about your opinion



Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Kumar


It is not feasible through legal means. There are some fraudsters or fraudulent agencies which indulge in these illegal activities. I will not suggest you to fell into the trap.

One of the methodology adopted by these agencies is to get another PAN card (2nd PAN Card) by furnishing wrong info. Reason being CIBIL identify an individual only from PAN Card. It is illegal to have 2 PAN cards & its a serious offence.

10 years ago

Hi Nithin,
How about credit score calculation bank will do?


10 years ago
Reply to  Harish

I applied Home loan in Axis bank, they rejected my loan because of low credit score(326 out of 340 points). I want to know how they will calculate credit score?

Thanks in advance.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Harish

Banks refer to CIBIL Credit Score but it is not the any criterion to approve loan. Home Loan application is evaluated on various other criterion also. I think Axis Bank is referring to score of 326 out of 900 which is CIBIL score. You may ask Axis Bank to share complete details & reasons for loan rejection.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Harish

Banks refer to CIBIL credit score

10 years ago

Hai sir I got score 762 I have applied for city bank creditcard if it is possible ll get creditcard?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  uthaya

Score of more than 750 is considered good but banks also take various other factors in consideration before approving credit card.

N Singh
N Singh
10 years ago

I want to know the importantance of companis like CREDIT SUDHAR & CREDIT VIDYA. Should i enrolment there to improve my cibil score which is 796 now. They are offering their packages from 5000 to 20000 Rupees per year

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  N Singh

CIBIL score of more than 750 is considered to be good. 796 is a good CIBIL score and i don’t think so that you need any such service. Moreover cibil score can only be increased by adopting good credit behaviour/practices. No agency can improve your CIBIL score.

10 years ago

Hi Nitin
I had applied for home loan under No EMi till possession. However, the possession is delayed by 2 years and I have been paying pre-EMIs from last 2 years. But due to rental and all I have not been able to repay one or two EMIs as per scheduled but cleared it as soon possible.
I have currently filed case in consumer court for delayed possession. How is my Cibil score impacted due to all this and can it improve in case court decided in our favor.


Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Swati

Outcome of Court case will not have any impact on CIBIL Score. Secondly, it depends whether your Home Loan Provider reported delayed payment in CIBIL Database or not. In many cases, delay of few days or a week is accpeted and not reported in CIBIL database. I suggest you to pull out your CIBIL report 60 days after the delayed payment and check the same for any changes due to delayed payment.

Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar
10 years ago

Hi Nitin,
I had applied for home loan in LICHFL in june month only, at that time my cibil score is 591 and my loan was approved and disbursed in july . one emi also paid and now my cibil score is 762, how it is happen?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Ravi Kumar

It is not feasible. In many cases, wrong CIBIL Score is provided due to confusion in name as the CIBIL score is system generated. You may check complete reports for any discrepancies. Also check your PAN no in both the reports.

10 years ago

Hii Nitin,
Good Evening!!
I am on electronic gadget loan with bajaj finance and because of my salary delay my loan which was supposed to get deducted got bounce thrice which i have paid it later, will it hit my credit score?? if it is, then how much do you think will be reduced from my CIBIL score.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Manish

Yes it will impact your CIBIL score. It is not feasible to estimate qunatum of impact as it depend on numerous factors. You may pull out your CIBIL report 60 days from date of deafult to check the status.

Satish Kumar
Satish Kumar
10 years ago

I made settlement of 2 personal loan and 4 credit cards. My Cibil score is 540. However i have taken a Credit card against FD from ICICI to improve my Cibil score. But due to settlement of loans and CC my score is improving very slowly. My question is, What if i foreclose the loan by paying entire amount and 2 out of 4 Credit card, will my score improve sooner ? as i have to take a home loan in next 3 months. Kindly advice. the remaining 2 credit card amount is too high to foreclose which truly i cannot afford however the limit was only 15000 and foreclose amount is 1 lakh.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Satish Kumar

It will not help much. You should target to close both personal loans and atleast 2 credit cards and wait for 6 months before you apply for Home Loan.

Abhishek kumar
Abhishek kumar
10 years ago

Hi Nitin Sir,
I had a credit card earlier from HDFC bank and personal loan as well, however, due to my financial crisis, I was not be able to make credit card payment on time, but after some time i made all the payment which asked by bank, similarly after few month i miss to pay my PL loan EMI and my emi payment has bounced regularly 5 or 6 ,month, althaugh i have made all the payment now with late fee, my CIBIL score is currently 697, please advice how can i improve that, as of now i dont have any credit card and my PL is still running.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Abhishek kumar

You need to check status of your credit card and PL account in CIBIL report for any discrepancy. As you mentioned that you cleared all the dues therefore Credit Card account should be “Closed” and you need to check status of PL account CIBIL report for any discrepancy.

Personal Loan is un-secured loan therefore close it asap. It will have positive impact on your CIBIL score. Secondly you may opt for secured credit card linked to Fixed Deposit with bank. It is issued by ICICI Bank. Secured credit card will help to improve CIBIL Score. Lastly check your CIBIL report and close any other unsecured loans availed like over draft facility etc.

Phani Krishna
Phani Krishna
10 years ago

Hi Mr. Nitin,
I am in a dilemma & worried about a personal loan of my father amounting Rs.15 lacs. Last month my father has left for heavenly abode & we have been receiving messages for payment dues. I somehow managed to find the loan agreement where in it states no collateral/security attached, neither any guarantor. My query is whether I need to intimate bank about his demise immediately & ask solution for closure of the loan and does intimating the same would transfer the liability to me as a legal heir or not. I have just started my career & neither have suffice funds to clear outstanding amount. Please Advice at the earliest. Thanks in advance!!

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Phani Krishna

You should immediately inform bank regarding demise of your father and explain them the current situation. You have not mentioned whether your father left any WILL or not. If he has not left any WILL then his assets will be distributed among class I legal heirs after adjusting the liabilities like personal loan. You may discuss the matter with all class I legal heirs and start paying EMI to avoid any default.

10 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Mr. Nitin, thanks for the prompt response. My father has left no WILL & his only asset is a Flat (which is also under top-up loan). Could you please explain Class I legal heirs- as it’s only my mother,myself & sister as a family. As I already stated I do not have cash flow to repay the loan hence what are the adversities of not paying the same. Does the bank give me a right solution once his demise is informed?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Phanikk

Broadly Class I heirs are
(a) Sons and Daughters of deceased
(b) Mother of deceased
(c) Widow of deceased

You may discuss with bank. Normally banks are considerate in such cases and you may request for re-structuring of personal loan till you complete formalities to inherit assets of your father.

In case of default, bank may approach court and court may seal assets of your father like bank accounts, property etcto recover the amount due. As i mentioned, liabilities have to cleared else bank may initiate legal action.

10 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thanks Mr. Nitin for prompt response to my query.

Manoj singh
Manoj singh
9 years ago

Hello Mr.Nitin…During recession time i lost my job and went through very bad financial crises and not able to pay PL taken from Banks in 2007-2009.Now i have done the settlement with Banks.Please let me know what next step i have to take ? and any action required from my side to improve my CIBIL score ?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Manoj singh

I request you to pull out your CIBIL report and check your score and status of PL then we will decide next steps. Also check other entires in your CIBIL report.

9 years ago

Hello Mr Nitin.
I am Raju.I have taken a tw wheeler loan amount of Rs.28500 with 24 emi of Rs.1450 in sep 2009.Intial I paid almost 15 EMI.Then after due to some finacial problem I was not able to pay the remaing EMI in time and stoped paying the EMI.Last month I enquired the loan details and I came to know that the tottal due amount now is Rs.27000.Last month I paid 2 EMI.This month also I paid one EMI.The bank people are asking me to make a one time settlement of Rs.15000.This month I have checked my CIBIL report,where my score is 613 and in my loan status details they mentioned it as Written off.
So I am seeking your advice on this matter .what I should do now..?Shall I clear all the dues or shall I go for settlement.?Which way I can improve my cibil score.?Please advice me.If u need my cibil report then please gv me ur mail ID I will send you that one.
Please help me on this matter.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Raju

Now damage is already done by bank. If it is written off then it means bank has closed your loan account which means bank assume that you will never pay in future and booked as LOSS in their books.

Before next steps, you need to discuss it in detail with the bank. I will not suggest any settlement, you should pay total amount due i.e. Rs 27000 but before you make payment you need to take it in writing from bank that if you pay FULL amount then they will update CIBIL database as “Closed with NIL Dues”. if bank is not willing to give any commitment on this then you can negotiate on settlement amount as in this case, damage to your CIBIL score cannot be repaired and you should settle for lowest possible amount may be Rs 5000. In this scenario also check with bank, how settlement will be updated in CIBIL database.

If you need my personalized consultation on paid basis, you can drop me an email at info@Nitin Bhatia.in

9 years ago

Hello Mr Nitin,
Does taking a credit card payment holiday affect our cibil ratings.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Sunny

Credit Card Payment Holiday will not impact your CIBIL Score. In my opinion it should be avoided as it disturb your credit discipline. Secondly if you are availing Credit Card Payment Holiday then you should have written communication from bank regarding the same. Please don’t stop payment just based on oral commitment as in most of the cases, bank levied late payment fees and declared default in case of non-payment. The customer received only oral commitment from bank CC agent or executive.

9 years ago

Hi Nitin

I am Braj, my Cibil score is 587 because 27000/- outstanding my ICICI bank credit card and i was pay the full payment, so please sugeest to how to incrase my score more than 700

Braj Kumar
Braj Kumar
9 years ago

Hi Nitin

I am Braj, my Cibil score is 587 because 27000/- outstanding my ICICI bank credit card and i was pay the full payment, so please sugeest to how to incrase my score more than 700

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Braj Kumar

You may clear all outstanding amount and close all unsecured loans.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago

Without checking CIBIL report, i cannot comment but it seems payment default impacted your CIBIL score. I suggest you to avail Secured Credit Card which is backed by bank FD and also close any unsecured loans like personal loan, overdraft facility etc. Please pull out your CIBIL report and check all account details.

9 years ago

Hello Nitin,

I have applied for Kotak Aqua Credit card having two FD for three years in Kotak. I am 50 years, never used a credit card or taken any loan so far. Do kotak need a CIBIL score to issue a FD secured credit card ?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  KNAIR

For secured credit cards backed by FD, bank will not check CIBIL score.

9 years ago

Thanks Nitin. Really very helpful post.

9 years ago

Hello Nitin,
Recently I checked by CIBIL and it is 734. I’m using one Credicard, 2 personal loan (Payments are on time).

How many points would be increased on a monthly basis, if I follow all above steps?
I want to know when I can reach beyond 750.
Please guide me.
Thanks a lot.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Nagendra

I suggest you to close your unsecured loans i.e. personal loans. Quantum of jump in CIBIL score cannot be predicted but it will definitely cross 750 in few months time after closure.

Dhinesh BR
Dhinesh BR
9 years ago

Hi Nitin,
I had taken a two wheler loan in 10 installment, I fully paid the installments without any delay. I do have a saving bank account where I did not maintain any minimum balance for 4 years.
when I approached for unsecured loan again with different bank and financial institution, my application got rejected, due to low cibil score.
could you please tell me what could be the reason for low cibil score in my scenario.
Dhinesh BR

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Dhinesh BR

I request you to pull out your CIBIL report online and after going through the same we can conclude what went wrong.

Kamalesh Sutar
Kamalesh Sutar
9 years ago

Hello Nitinji, I am Kamlesh Sutar. I have 2 fixed deposit of almost 1,40,000/- all together & taken loan of that FD in 2012. But cant pay any of installments. Now just 1 month before i close both loans. Mean while i pull out my CIBIL report so its showing 651 score. So now what should i do to increase my credit score

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Kamalesh Sutar

I can suggest only after going through your CIBIL Report.

9 years ago

Hi Nitin Bhatia, I have taken personal loan and
two wheeler loan from the bank. The cheque’s are clearing fine in the bank upto one year
after one year, one personal loan cheque and two cheques for two wheelers was
bounced and everything was cleared in next month itself. There was no dues. I
was guarantee for one of my friends bike
loan but he didn’t pay the amount. When I am applying for credit cards it has
been rejecting because of cibil score. Could you please suggest me what I will

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  kiran

It seems default of your friend is impacting your CIBIL Score. I suggest you to pull out your CIBIL report. We can only conclude from CIBIL report what went wrong.

9 years ago

I have 6 cc a/c. 1 a/c settled & 3 a/c are open from last 3.5 years. All a/c are written off & cibil score is 540. If I paid my all dues today, what you think about my credit score? is it increased to 750?? Please guide/help.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Sagar

To answer your query, i need to go through your CIBIL. Please check following link for more details


9 years ago

I have 6 cc a/c. 1 a/c settled & 5 a/c are open from last 3.5 years.
All a/c are written off & cibil score is 540. If I paid my all dues
today, what you think about my credit score? is it increased to 750??
Please guide/help.

9 years ago

Hi, I am the guaranteer of my friend that’s what it was effected my cibil score. Now I am forcing my friend to pay everything but he is saying he want to settle with bank then will it impact on my cibil score? and Will it show settlement for me also in the cibils? please let me know…

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Kiran

Any settlement will impact your CIBIL Score as liability of a guarantor is same as that of a borrower. Settlement will reflect in your CIBIL score.

9 years ago

hi nitin,
I have a citibank credit , a hdfc credit card and a consumer durable loan for laptop from hdfc. my both hdfc a/c’s are doing good with regular payment. but im not able to pay my citi cc due to excessive intrest charged by the bank and now it has gone overddue for 3 months. pls suggest will this impact my cibil score even though my hdfc relationship is good???

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  pavan

Any amount overdue will impact your CIBIL Score. For CIBIL, each account is mutually exclusive of each other and default on any account will impact CIBIL Score.

Shashank Dhodapkar
Shashank Dhodapkar
9 years ago

hello sir,
I am 21 yr old age. Currently I am using my fathers credit cards and full amt of cr card is used by me and also paying payment ontime. My father has 3 cd cards and I am using all of these. I want to start it by me so what is ur suggestion to me as I am a totally new in credit market..

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago

First you should apply for your CIBIL report to check your CIBIL Score and whether you have any credit history or not. Secondly you have not mentioned whether you have any source of income or not. After checking these 2 points you may apply for credit card.

Shashank Dhodapkar
Shashank Dhodapkar
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

I have not any credit history I just have a postpaid connection of Vodafone and I am paying it time to time. I am selling mobiles, recharges, trading in gold and silver. I paid return for past 3 yrs of 2000 and above. where to apply for CIBIL score? My 2 applications were rejected by hdfc for cc.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago

You can apply online through following link


9 years ago

Hey Nitin,
Glad to see your post!
Currently I have 6 credit cards and 2 personal loans. Every month I am using my credit cards around 3-4 lacs and paying PL emi 55000 per month. Every month I am paying full payment of credit cards as well as PL EMI on time without any delay around last 2 years. I paid all the payments on time.
If I am continuing the same uses then my credit score will be increase or decrease?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Singh

You have too many unsecured loans even though you are making all the payments on time but your CIBIL score will remain low due to too many unsecured loans and credit hungry behavior.

9 years ago


I have checked my credit card score ,It shows -1,
Kindly advice how i can improve it.
Thanks in advance

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago

CIBIL score of -1 means customer has no credit history but your details are available in CIBIL system. I suggest you to apply for secured credit card backed by fixed deposit and after that you may apply for low value personal loan. Pay all EMI’s and bills on time, your credit history will reflect in CIBIL database.

lakshmi narayana
lakshmi narayana
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Dear Nithin,
I have Score of 324 thus happened due to my credit Card Settlement and this hapened 11 Months Before and before 8 Months Before had 3 Cheque Bounce for my Bike emi.
Now My Bike Emi is coming to an end in 5 Months time, Request your guidance if i can proceed for an FD and take a Credit card againstr the same and i am planning for a 2nd Hand Car in chennai can that be possible.
request your Guidance and suggestions on the same.
Lakshmi Narayana.E

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago

As you have too many unsecured loans and your CIBIL score is very therefore i can suggest only after going through your CIBIL Report. Please check following link for more details


Prasad Pathak
Prasad Pathak
9 years ago

Hi Nitin,

Your blog was very helpful. Thanks for that.
I have question : I want to apply for a Home loan so i checked my CIBIL score 2 days back and it is 685. the report showed me that few EMIs were missed in 2014 (AUG and JUL) education loan. rest of months till dec is fine. I have closed the account todaypaying all he remaining money. So should I check my score on 1st feb 2015 and then apply for loan?? Please suggest.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Prasad Pathak

Banks update the CIBIL Database within 45 days therefore i suggest you to check on or after 5th Mar, 2015

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
9 years ago

Hi Ntin,
Came through your blog while surfing . It is great that you are providing such valuable suggestions . I also have a query regarding my CIBIL Score . I got my CIBIL report few days back and the score is 634 .
I found out out that there is an Amount Overdue of RS 34 in my standard Chartered card and status is shown as “Written OFF” . I am not using this card from last Six and half years . I had done a full settlement after a dispute , but the payment was done 6 Months after the due date in Oct 2008 . I dont know how RS 34 due is present for my Credit card.
I had a personal loan in 2006 from ICCI bank which I cleard on time . I also have ICICbank Credit Card but I have never defaulted on it .
Can you please tell me how can I approach to clear both overdue amount and written Off status from my CIBIL report ?
Your advice will be highly appreciated .

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Amit Kumar

Just to check, have you received any NOC for settlement.

9 years ago

Dear sir,
I have HDFC creditcard,due to non payment card permanent blocked,now they are asking to pay 21000 outstanding in full,but i dont have that much if going for settlement how much will they ask to pay,also i have PL with them which im paying properly…will it affect the PL? after settlement how to boost the CIBIL score?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  vikram

I will not suggest settlement route, it is advisable to pay the complete amount. It will not impact your PL directly but bank may cross link accounts to recover the dues e.g. bank may utilize cheques submitted by you for PL to recover credit card dues.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

thank you sir.but within how many days should we pay the outstanding?as last statement came withe the note that pay immediately to avoid further action by the bank.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  vikram

You have to pay immediately as mentioned in statement from bank

Pawan Kumar
Pawan Kumar
9 years ago

Dear Nitin Sir,
Paying premium from Credit card will have any impact on CIBIL score ?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Pawan Kumar

No, it will be considered as any other transaction.

9 years ago

Hi Nitin,

Your blog was very helpful. Thanks for that.
I have checked my cibil score Yesterday which is 551 because of I am the co applicant of my cousins bike loan. He didn’t pay anthing so I noticed and I am going to make payment everything by end of the Month. Now my question is My cibil score will be incresed once I cleared the payment? I have personal loan and two wheeler loan but payments done on time. recently I cleared two wheeler loan. Can I clear personal loan along with co applicant account or can i continue that Pl?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Kiran

The loans availed by you are unsecured loans and if you clear all the loans then definitely it will improve your CIBIL score. Reg Bike Loan of cousin, you need to check the status in CIBIL Report. If it reported as default then definitely it will impact your CIBIL score negatively.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

I have checked my cousins bike loan he is not defaulter, Now I have cleared everyting on behalf of him. Now I have only one PL which is total 36 EMI’s, as of it was cleared 19 EMI’s on time. What will hapen sir? Will it increase my cibil score?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Kiran

Probability is that your CIBIL score will improve.

9 years ago

Thanks lot for the information…

9 years ago

Hi Nitin,
I am the co applicant of my bro’s biks loan that’s what my cibil score is 551. Now I have cleared everything in the bank. As of Now I have 27k personal loan in the bank and it was clearing EMI’s on time every month. So How much score will be increased after 45 days?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Kumar

In absolute terms there is no mathematical formula. It depends on multiple factors.

9 years ago

Hi nitin,

I checked my credit score today and found 13k is showing as dispute from bajan finance, I accept.. This was due to an disconnect between me and my brother that I was not aware that he has not completed the bajan loan. Nowhere question is, the current balance in credit report shows as 623, if I approach bajaj finance to clear this will they try to demand (late fee, penality) more?? If I clear this pending payment will my credit score improve?? How long will it take to impact my score in cibil records?? Any other way to improve my score in 3 months?? I need to apply for a home loan in 3months. Please help.. Thanks in advance

9 years ago
Reply to  Shhansfg

Bajaj finance will not be impacted the cibil score. I think you might’ve taken loan anywhere else, please check it once. because the same thing happened to my friend. He is not elgible to take loan from bajaj finance and score will not impacted in bajaj. he is the defaulter in bajaj but not in cibil. Same thing for you also. That score might not be the reason for 13k dispute in bajaj.

9 years ago
Reply to  kiran

Thanks Kiran.. However, I do not have any other dispute in my credit report other than bajaj.. Bajaj’s 13k is the only outstanding showing up, rest all are good. Also, in the credit report it shows 13k, but when I contacted bajaj they have asked me to pay 25k.. Any ideas on this??

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Shhansfg

The entry of Rs 13k from Bajaj Finance is impacting your CIBIL Score. It seems they added penalty and interest thus demanding Rs 25k. I suggest you to discuss with them, pay the amount and close the account.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thanks nitin.. Are you asking me to pay the whole 25k?? Or if I tell them only 13k is something I can pay, will they highlight it as settlement in cibil?? Which will affect my score again.

Also, once I clear this how long it might take for it to reflect in my cibil score? How can I make it 750 soon??

I am sorry, I know am asking too much of questions but I really have no ideas on these and your help is really appreciated..

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Shhansfg

It depends on payment terms offered by bank, how you negotiate and how they will report in CIBIL.

There is no guarantee of 750 score even after making payment as it all depend on your CIBIL report and other factors.

Arun K
Arun K
9 years ago


I am having a cibil score of 676 and I want to increase my score.
I have outstanding limit to be paid in my credit card of 50K. I want to pay my fees. Is there any way that I can get money fro any source and pay my limit.
Please let me know

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Arun K

You may evaluate Loan against Insurance policy, Gold Loan, Loan against PPF account etc. These loans will not impact your CIBIL score.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Hi Nithin,

I have my CIBIL score, which also lists out Gold loan impact – Karvy. could you advice.. Thank you!

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Any default on Gold Loan will will be reported to CIBIL.

9 years ago

Hi Nitin,

This is sairam

last month i check my CBIL sore it show 693
and just now i check again its show 689

I have 3 credit cards and i closed tow card last month
but my CBIL score is low

can you suggest me how can i improve my score

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  sairam

I have shared general tips through my various posts on CIBIL score. For any personalized consultation, i need to check your CIBIL Report. Pls check following link

9 years ago

Im a customer of SBI Bank with Salary Account since 2009 , i applied for credit card from SBI against Fixed deposit. but they refused the application of credit card against FD. i have never taken any loan before or defaulted any payment. can i file a case to ombudsman against this poor banking services .

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Rajesh

First you should check the reason for rejection. If there is valid reason then you cannot challenge.

AvInAsH TrIpAtHi
AvInAsH TrIpAtHi
9 years ago

Hello Nitin Sir,

I am Avinash below is my scenario and Present Cibil Score:

1. In April 2013 I have taken 50,000 Personal Loan from HDFC BANK for 12 Months, I have missed installment 3-4 times, I have cleared this loan in November 2014 instead of April 2014, I have Cleared all the dues whatever asked by Bank done full payment and I have NOC for this.

2. I was having HDFC BANK Credit card, I have missed many times payment of card dues, Bank Permanently blocked my Card, I have paid all the dues whatever asked by bank done full payment, I am having NOC for this Credit card.

3. In July 2013 I have taken 50,000 Auto Loan from Bajaj Finance for 10 Months, I have missed installment 3-4 times, I have cleared this loan on 31st December 2014 instead of June 2014, I have Cleared all the dues whatever asked by Bajaj done full payment and I have NOC for this.

Right now I don’t have any credit card or loan, I have fetched my Cibil Score on 10th February 2015 and the score is 593 only.

How much time will it take to increase to 750 mark, Moreover How much time will it take to update my 3rd loan status in Cibil that I have mentioned as that I have cleared on 31st Dec 2014.

Could you please suggest me some ways to improve my score.



Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago

For any personalized consultation, you may click on following link

Pankaj Joshi
Pankaj Joshi
9 years ago

Hello Sir,

Would like to share my concern with you pls. note currently my cibil score is 744 and i don’t have any credit card running only car loan is running only 5 EMI is still pending and since 2011 i made all EMI on time.

However i have only one issue in my CIR that last year i have done settlement of my HDFC & SBI credit card in month of April hence pls. advise shall this affect any impact when i apply for home loan now.

Pls. help me to provide best suggestion by return.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Pankaj Joshi

It depend on what type of settlement is being done and how it is being reported in CIBIL database by the bank or any feasibility of getting it corrected. This query can be answered after going through your settlement letters and CIBIL report.

Pankaj Joshi
Pankaj Joshi
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Dear Sir,

Well noted. Kindly note both banks reflects written out – Settled in my cibil report also advise i had applied for credit card again and my application of credit card got rejected so it will affect my cibil score. Can this rejection will decrease my cibil score. Pls. advise

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Pankaj Joshi

Any rejection impact CIBIL score negatively and will reflect in CIBIL report.

Pankaj Joshi
Pankaj Joshi
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Negatively means how much point will decrease rejection of credit card application. Also if I made car emi on time then how much score will be credited.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Pankaj Joshi

CIBIL score is dependent on numerous factors and there is no mathematical formula to calculate the impact.

Pankaj Joshi
Pankaj Joshi
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia


Pls. find below points of rejection of my credit card application.


CIBIL Score – 744 Low proportion of satisfactory trades

Presence of a tradeline 91+ days delinquent 7 to 12 months ago

Presence of a tradeline 91+ days delinquent 13 or more months


Presence of a minor delinquency 7 to 12 months ago
Presence of a severe delinquency 7 to 12 months ago


Pls. advise how i can improve the same.


Pankaj Joshi

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Pankaj Joshi

Personalized consultation is available on chargeable basis.

Pankaj Joshi
Pankaj Joshi
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Pls. advise your personalized consultation charges and how i can make this.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Pankaj Joshi

Please check following link


9 years ago

Hi Nitin,
I had a credit card back in year 2007 when I started my career and was not able to pay the dues on the card and defaulted on payments. I want to now does that credit card will show in my CIBIL report or has it been deleted from the system. The bank approached me in 2011 for a settlement which I denied, please advise. Currently my CIBIL score is 794 which is good but not the best.
Also, I credit card I had settled in the year 2009. I am not sure how that has impacted my CIBIL scor eor will have any impact now.
I had taken 3 bikes on loan from Bajaj and cleared all of them in a spn of 4 years, these bikes were taken one after the other (Clear one bike and took another bike and so on) on time without any delays and had been paying everything on CD loan on time.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Feroz

Your score seems to be good. I suggest you to pull out your CIBIL report online and check the details. Without checking CIBIL report, we cannot conclude how it impacted your CIBIL score and how bank reported the same in CIBIL database.

9 years ago

Hi Nitin,
I have checked my cibil score last month which is 550, after that I have cleared loans everything. So My cibil score will be increased after 45 days? can I reach the cibil score 750+?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  PRAVEEN

It cannot be predicted as it depend on multiple factors.

9 years ago

Hi Nitin,

Thanks for sharing your view on factor to impact & improve CIBIL Score.

I have checked my cibil score today and turn out far low compared to my last score which was checked in November 2014. My current Score is 568 compared to 738 in November 2014. after going trough report i analysed that my credit card badly impacted my score. As on date, i have one credit card ( fully exhausted), Bike loan 40% paid out of Rs 71000 (Approved in July 2013) and edu loan again 40% paid out of 2.4L (Approved in Dec 2012). Now planing for car loan of 4.5L and i have cash of Approx 2.0L that want to utilise to payoff some off the debt amount to improve score. My plan is to keep my bike loan as it is and get rid of credit card by paying amount in 2-3 transactions to avoid “amount settled” mark in cibil report. Also pay approx Rs 1.2L for edu loan to show lesser debt amount as well EMI amount; will total emi amount will come down to 12% of monthly take home salary and still left with 40K cash in hand. So please suggest whether this is right way to go about it or there is other possible way to improve it.

Thanks in Advance.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Lokesh

In my opinion, you should 1st clear credit card dues and then Bike Loan to improve CIBIL score.

Raj bist
Raj bist
9 years ago

Dear sir,
Myself is Raj . i had a PL from fullerton india credit in 2008 , after paying 4 EMI i could not pay.afterall i paid all amount as bank said to me to pay in December 2013. by cibil report is showing now total DPD of 900 days. mean i paid all amount after 900 days. i am applying for home loan , personal loan but after viewing my cibil report no one is giving me any type loan in current situation. plz provide any solution i need a home loan urgent . i am a salaried in limited company .my current cibil score is 730.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Raj bist

All accounts with DPD (Days Past Due) i.e. delay in payment but not amounting to default will have negative impact on CIBIL Score. These entries will be shown in CIBIL Database for 36 months and then will be removed automatically.

Raj bist
Raj bist
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Dear sir,
Some peoples are complaining that DPD are same even after 4 years. becoz they did not brow any loan and DPD will not shift right to left. plz clear any loan brows

is necessary to shift bad DPD left. becoz CIBIL shows last 36 months data from date of received last payment.
Personal loan against FD , MORTGAGE will be helpful or positive effect in past bad credit history.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Raj bist

I can only comment after going through CIBIL report. As i mentioned DPD entries are shown only for 36 months.

Mohseen Shaikh
Mohseen Shaikh
9 years ago

Hello Sir,
From few days HDFC & AXIS banks are following up with me for the credit card dues and i agreed to pay them. However i have some questions before i pay. My total outstandings are 83000 & 32000 respectively out of which i have used 67007 & 21800. Now they are asking me to pay the used amount instead of outstanding amount and they promise to clear my records not as settlement but as clear and also offered NOC letter after 7 days of payment. Should i go for the same or are they just trying to get the money and will show as settlement in my Cibil. HDFC bank has already sent me a pre noc letter to clear 67007. Please let me know what should i do.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Mohseen Shaikh

You should negotiate with banks and take it in writing how they will report this transaction in CIBIL database. Any settlement will be reported as “Settled” in the CIBIL records which will impact your CIBIL score.

Mohseen Shaikh
Mohseen Shaikh
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Can you help me with any email id where i can escalate my concern to Axis bank as they are not ready to provide me the NDC / NOC however i am ready to pay them however I need some waiver on tootal outstanding. Can u please help me with some guidance.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Mohseen Shaikh

You may check with nearest Bank Branch as escalation matrix is different for each state.

9 years ago

Hello sir
How check my cibil score and is not paying postpaid bills of mobile number will effect on cibil

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Balachandra

It depends whether your Mobile Service Provider is reporting the same to CIBIL or not. CIBIL launched reporting of postpaid mobile default few years back.

9 years ago

Dear Nitin:
Does education loan come under CIBIL purview?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Graham

Educations comes under CIBIL preview. It impacts CIBIL score of both borrower and the guarantor.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thanks Nitin, appreciate your help

9 years ago

Hi Nitin,
I am planning to take a secured Credit card backed up with an FD. I want to ask if this card is with me can other banks get to know how have I taken this card? Means will they know that this is a secured card? Can I apply for a regular card after sometime showing that I am already using a credit card.
My Cibil score is good by had a default with 1 credit card due to which regular cards doesnot approves.
Please advise

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Feroz

It is not necessary that details of secured credit card is reported to CIBIL. In few cases, bank is not reporting the same as it is treated like another debit card. You have to ensure that bank report your secured credit card details to CIBIL database. Once your CIBIL score / credit worthiness improve because of secured credit card and all entries are reported by bank then you may apply for regular credit card after sometime.

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