RTI is most potent tool in the hands of citizens to bring transparency in the system. Any Citizen of India can file RTI application and seek information from Public Authorities. Recently the Resident Welfare Association of my complex proposed the collection of huge amount for replacement of Transformer oil of Electricity transformers installed in the society. This proposal was put across in special GBM and was approved with majority vote except few residents who opposed it. Based on my knowledge, I put across following key points against the proposal
1. It is the responsibility of state electricity department to replace transformer oil of transformers installed in the society
2. The transformer oil does not require replacement within 5 years of installation and it may require only top up.
3. The process followed to replace transformer oil i.e. any mandatory lab tests before transformer oil replacement to check the health of transformer.
Though GBM passed the resolution but i decided to file RTI application with BESCOM to get information in this regard. I would not like to comment on intention behind this move by Resident Welfare Association. It may be lack of knowledge or some external agency might be misleading the RWA. I feel that it’s my hard earned money & should not go wasted. As i mentioned in my previous posts that there is no specific format of RTI Application. It is quite simple to file RTI application. I am sharing the RTI application i forwarded to BESCOM with my readers & how to file RTI application in subsequent section
RTI Application to BESCOM
The Public Information Office (PIO)
Assistant Executive Engineer [E]
S-XX Sub division, BESCOM,
April 02, 2014
Nitin Bhatia
Address: <Removed>
Mob: <Removed>
Sub: Information regarding Bescom Transformers installed in ABC Apartment Complex (ABC Association Regd. No. <Removed>) Address: <Removed> & General / Technical Information on replacement / top up of Transformer oil under RTI Act, 2005 through the office of BESCOM
Dear Sir/Madam,
I, Nitin Bhatia would like to seek following information from BESCOM through this RTI Application
(1) No. of Transformers installed by BESCOM in ABC Apartment complex
(2) Has Bescom provided permission to install private Transformer to ABC Association?
(3) If answer to Point 2 is YES than how many such transformers are installed by ABC Association?
(4) What is the frequency to replace 100% Transformer Oil by BESCOM i.e. in how many months/years Transformer require 100% Transformer oil replacement?
(5) What is the frequency to top up Transformer Oil by BESCOM i.e. in how many months/years Transformer require top up of Transformer Oil?
(6) Who is responsible for replacement / top up of Transformer Oil i.e. BESCOM or Apartment Association?
(7) Who bears the cost of replacement / top up of Transformer Oil i.e. BESCOM or Apartment Association?
(8) Can Apartment Association replace / top up Transformer Oil at its own discretion?
(9) What is the process/methodology to check whether Transformer requires Top up / replacement of Transformer Oil?
(10) Is it mandatory to follow process in Point 8 before Transformer oil is top up / replaced?
(11) If answer Point 9 is NO than what are technical reasons for not following the process?
(12) What is the frequency of inspection by BESCOM to check whether Transformer require oil change or top up?
(13) Is there any technical correlation between Age of Transformer and Transformer oil top up / replacement? Please provide the details
(14) Details of Transformers installed by BESCOM in ABC Apartment Complex in following format
S. No | Transformer No | Transformer Make | Date of Installation | Technical Specification of Transformer including capacity of Transformer in KVA & Oil Capacity of Transformer | Repair History of Transformer | Last inspection date of Transformer and Remarks |
The above information may be provided to me in English at the address mentioned below.
A Postal Order for Rs 10/= bearing Serial No ___________ Dated ___________ is hereby attached regarding fees for information required under RTI Act, 2005.
Thanking You
Yours Truly
Address: <Removed>
Mob: <Removed>
Email: <Removed>
How to file RTI Application
Steps to file RTI Application
1. Write application on plain paper
2. Attach Rs 10 Postal Order with the application
3. Write the name & address of PIO
4. Write your name & address on application
5. Send the application to PIO though Registered Post
Important Points to consider while filling RTI Application
1. Don’t forget to sign on RTI Application
2. Fill in all details on postal order like Pay To, Post Office (Mention your city) and your Name & Address
Sample Postal Order is as follows

3. Send the RTI Application only through Registered Post or Speed Post
4. Attach Acknowledgement postcard along with RTI Application envelope (Only for RTI application through Registered Post) for delivery confirmation
5. Address the RTI Application only to PIO (Public Information Officer)
6. Put across only specific queries
7. Don’t use threatening language
8. On the envelope clearly mention “Application under RTI Act, 2005”
9. Specifically mention the language in which you need information
10. Paginate your RTI Application
11. Keep a photocopy of RTI Application with you for future reference
I am awaiting revert from BESCOM on my RTI application and will share the same with my readers.
Copyright © Nitin Bhatia. All Rights Reserved.
Hi Nitin, Did BESCOM reply to you ?
yes, i received revert from BESCOM.
Can you please share the response from BESCOM? J
The response is through hard copy therefore cannot upload. The summary was that maintenance and repair is sole responsibility of BESCOM.
Who pays for the repair or change of transformer? Would appreciate some of the details you got in response to the RTI pertaining to how this process is to be taken forward.
Transformer is BESCOM property. Therefore, in the RTI revert they mentioned that they will take care of any repair or replacement.
Can you please let me know how to know the current fee (Rs 10 postal order in your case) for the RTI application for BESCOM
It is same.