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Should i apply for Pre-Approved Home Loan?

Pre-Approved Home Loan
Pre-Approved Home Loan

In my opinion, Pre-Approved Home Loan is one of the least risky way of buying a property through Home Loan by a buyer. Obviously it require intelligent planning and execution. Later in the post, I will explain how Pre-Approved Home Loan mitigate certain risks. Every product has its own advantages and disadvantages therefore before making any decision it is advisable to understand the product in detail. I receive lot of queries from my clients on Pre-Approved Home Loan therefore i decided to write a separate post on this subject.  In my previous posts, i explained Pre-Approved Home Loan product in bits and pieces but this post is all about Pre-Approved Home Loans.

What is Pre-Approved Home Loan?

A Pre-Approved Home Loan is basically an intent or in-principal approval provided by Banks or Housing Finance companies to grant Home Loan to an individual on the basis of his Credit Profile / Credit Worthiness. In short, if potential borrower fulfill Home Loan eligibility conditions then an approval is provided for amount X which can be availed as Home Loan by the potential borrower within specific time frame normally upto 6 months. In my post, How Home Loan Eligibility is fixed? i explained all the factors which influence Home Loan Eligibility. All these factors hold true for Pre-Approved Home Loan. It is quite interesting to note that State Bank of India has separate Pre-Approved Home Loan Product known as SBI PAL. PAL is short form for Pre Approved Loan.

How to Apply?

You can apply for Pre-Approved Home Loan in a same manner as Normal Home Loan. Process is also same, only difference is that you need to select/mention in your Home Loan application that “Property is not identified“. List of Documents required vary depending on your profession e.g. self-employed, salaried or entrepreneur. Documents required for salaried individual are as follows

1. Proof of Identity

2. Proof of Address

3. Last 3 months salary slips

4. Latest Form 16

5. Last 3 years Income Tax Returns

6. Last 6 months Bank Statement

7. Last but not the least, Cheque for Processing Fee. Please note that Processing Fees is non-refundable.

Common Myths about Pre-Approved Home Loan

1. Pre-Approved Home is Guaranteed: Many of my clients are under impression that once bank has provided in-principal approval then Home Loan is guaranteed. Unfortunately it is not true, Why? lets understand with simple example.

When you invest in any financial product say NCD, Tax Free Bond, FMP or Company FD’s you basically check 2 parameters

(A) Repayment capability of issuer i.e. whether issuer can pay interest and repay principal or there is a possibility that issuer might go bust/insolvent. Basically investor check financial strength of an issuer / company / bank.

(B) What is the Risk associated with the product and whether issuer has all the approvals in place to offer the product or not

Similarly, Home Loan is like a financial investment tool for banks. Bank invest their money in Home Loan, Personal Loan, Car Loan etc  and earn interest from Borrower which is income for bank. In this case, Product is Mortgage of Property and Issuer is Home Loan Borrower i.e. Home Loan Borrower is offering his property for Mortgage.

Pre-Approved Home Loan basically check only Point A i.e. Repayment Capability of a Borrower or credit worthiness of a borrower. In short, Bank decide how much amount they can invest (Approve as a Home Loan) depending on the financial strength of a borrower. In short, Banks only check credit worthiness of potential borrower.

Now when the property is finalized, banks check the product i.e. Risk associated with the product (Read: Property). If legal title is not clear or some govt approvals are not in place then bank may refuse to invest in such a product. In layman terms, Home Loan approval is 2 step process and Pre-Approved Home Loan is just 1st stepping stone. It only fixes the credit worthiness of the borrower. Risks assessment of property is done afterwards by the bank when the property is finalized.

2. Processing Fees is refundable if Home Loan is not availed: Another myth or wrong information from bank DSA’s that Processing fees is refundable.  Processing fees is charged to process Home Loan application. It is more of administrative cost. Once the Pre-Approved Home Loan is sanctioned which implies Home Loan application is processed. Therefore there is no question of refund of processing fees in case of Pre-Approved Home Loan.

3. 100% of the sanctioned amount can be availed as Home Loan against Property Value: Another common myth. Please note that as per RBI guidelines banks can lend only 90% of property value as a Home Loan for Home Loans of upto 20 lakh i.e. LTV or Loan to Value Ratio is 90%. Similarly for Home Loan of between 20 lakh and 75 lakh, LTV is  80% & Loan to Value ratio is 75% for Home Loans of more than 75 lakh. As per RBI guidelines, stamp duty and registration charges are not included in the property value by the banks.

Advantages of Pre-Approved Home Loan

1. Better Financial Planning: This is one of the biggest advantage. Based on amount sanctioned in Pre-Approved Home Loan, a borrower can decide his property budget, self funding required & EMI outflow.

2. Avoid Future Shocks: When a buyer apply for Home Loan after property is finalized there is a risk of deal to fall through. For example, a buyer finalized a property of 1 Cr and he require home loan of 80 lakh but when he applied for Home Loan his eligibility is fixed at 50 lakhs only. Now only 2 options are left i.e. either to arrange balance 30 lakhs through self funding or let go the token amount paid and cancel the deal.

3. Better Negotiation Power: A buyer with Pre-Approved Home Loan stand better chance to get good deal from builder or seller. It shows that buyer is serious about the deal. Secondly, deal can be closed within 2-3 weeks time as bank has to only check property documents. Many sellers prefer buyers who can close the deal fast and would not mind offering some discount for this.

Disadvantages of Pre-Approved Home Loan

As one shoe doesn’t fit all therefore it is important to check other side of the story i.e. disadvantages of Pre-Approved Home Loan

1. Interest Rate: Interest Rate is locked at the time of pre-approval of Home Loan. It can be disadvantage if interest rates are falling. For example, if i apply for Pre-Approved Home Loan today and receive approval at 10.15% interest rate i.e. Base Rate of 10% + 0.15% mark up. In case interest rates are reduced after few months and instead of reducing base rate, bank decided to reduce mark up from 0.15% to 0% then as a borrower i will stand to Loose. My home loan will be disbursed at 10.15% ROI even if at the time of disbursement new customers are being offered ROI of 10% i.e. at Base Rate.

2. Processing Fees: As i mentioned earlier that processing fees is non-refundable therefore if you fail to finalize property normally within 6 months then approval will lapse. If you apply again then you need to pay processing fees again.

3. Lien on Credit Availability: Pre-Approved Home Loan put a lien equivalent to sanctioned amount on your total credit availability based on credit worthiness. In layman terms, if my credit worthiness is 50 lakh and bank Pre-Approved Home Loan of Rs 45 lakhs. If i apply for personal loan of 10 lakh within validity period of Pre-Approved Home Loan then my personal loan will be rejected.  In short, a sort of lien is put on available credit limit equivalent to the sanctioned amount.

4. Multiple application shows Credit Hungry Behavior: If you keep applying for Pre-Approved Home Loan without closure of same then it will impact your credit score negatively. It shows credit hungry behavior therefore apply for Pre-Approved Home Loan only if you are seriously considering to buy a property and would like to close in next few months

5. Psychological pressure to close the deal: Last but not the least, i have observed that my clients who opted for Pre-Approved Home Loan had psychological pressure to close the deal under fear of losing out on processing fees. It may contradict the advantage of better negotiation power therefore it is advisable to apply only after careful consideration.

Summary: As i mentioned, every product has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is advisable to understand complete details before applying for Pre-Approved Home Loan. Some times you might see misleading advertisement through net banking interface of bank that bank has pre-approved home loan of 1 Cr for you. Please don’t fall prey to such misleading advertisements. These are just marketing gimmicks. Actual sanctioned amount might be 20 lakhs only.

Before applying for Home Loan, i suggest you do a basic ground work in terms of finalizing location, check current market rate, approximate Home Loan eligibility and more importantly whether the property fits your requirement or not. You will find some good calculators on internet which will estimate Home Loan eligibility depending on your income, age and current liabilities. Of-course they are not 100% accurate but will give rough idea.  It is important that you should apply for Pre-Approved Home Loan only after you make up your mind to buy a property.

Copyright © Nitin Bhatia. All Rights Reserved.

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9 years ago

My priority relation manager at ICICI bank (after looking at my transactions in my salary account from past 13 years), keeps telling me that I am eligible for a pre-approved home loan of Rs. 56 Lakhs whenever I meet him. Is this a marketing gimmick or he is indeed making a correct statement? (Note that I never asked for a pre-approved home loan from him)

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Rajesh

Poor guy is trying hard to achieve his sales target on loan portfolio. He is estimating home loan eligibility only based on transactions in your account but Home Loan eligibility is fixed after taking into account various other factors. Please check my following post


9 years ago


Thanks for sharing your knowledge, helping increase the
awareness about the home loans, and also for answering queries from people like

I have one question: Recently, I have decided to purchase a
PLOT from a reputed organization. They are offering plots of different sizes.
To get an idea as to how much loan amount I am eligible, I visited my bank for
pre-approval loan and had a discussion with the bank employee. I am not sure if
he is telling the whole truth. The plot cost has following components: Plot
Cost, Township Corpus Fund, Club House membership Charges, legal Charges, Registration,
and Stamp duty. According to him, of all these components, bank does not extend
loan for Township Corpus Fund, and legal Charges component. Total plot cost is
around 21 lakhs and he promised that he can arrange for 80% loan (minus the Township
Corpus Fund, and legal Charges). Can you please let me know if this is true?
Does bank provide loans to Club House membership Charges and Registration and Stamp



Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

You have not mentioned the name of the bank but It seems bank is trying to sell composite loan instead of plot loan. Moreover not many banks / HFC’s provide plot loan. Mostly it is composite loan. Under composite loan you need to start construction on PLOT within 2 year to 5 years as specified by the bank else there is penalty of 2% increase in interest or bank may ask you to close the loan.

Normally Plot / land loans are sanctioned upto 60% of the value of the plot without any time-frame to start construction.

In all the cases, Stamp duty and registration is not included in cost of property as per RBI guidelines. It has to be borne by the buyer.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago

Firstly i will not suggest you to avail home loan from 3rd party agents or intermediaries like the one you mentioned in your comment (I have edited and removed the name). These agents push home loan of financial institutions from where they receive trail commission.

You may avail Home Loan on your own from banks like SBI, ICICI Bank or Axis Bank.

Chandan Singh
Chandan Singh
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thank you for replying sir. What about Can Fin, DHFL or Uco bank..? which one is better amongst them. plz suggest.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Chandan Singh

Among 3, i will suggest UCO bank.

Chandan Singh
Chandan Singh
9 years ago

Dear Sir,

I am a salaried person, going to buy a flat in DLF Ankur Vihar, Ghaziabad for which i decided to pre-approve my home loan. The builder suggested me Indiainfoline Housing Finance Ltd, they are offering me 10 Lacs loan at a rate of 10.15%. BUT i searched a lot on net but could not find any reviews for this housing finance institute. Could you please guide me whether i should go with it or not??

Also, I confirmed on xyz dot com and found other banks providing me loan are Uco bank, DHFL and Can Fin. I want to ask you please suggest me which of these has good track record.

Thanks and regards.

Chandan Singh

8 years ago

Very nice and super helpful. Thank you

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Namratta

Thanks for liking the post !!!

Mona Doshi
Mona Doshi
8 years ago

I have recently booked a flat by giving token amount of rs. 25,000/-. I had even taken title certificate from my lawyer which shows that the title is clear and builder is having all relevant permission for construction. Now I have learnt that there is dispute between the builders and one of their partner over the project property and the matter is pending in court. Though court has refused to grant stay over the project now I am in dilemma whether to continue with project or not as everything will depend on court decision.
Sir, within a fortnight I have to pay 20 percent of booking amount which is approx. 625000/- rs. Sir, now what should I do. Thank u in anticipation regards, Mona doshi

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Mona Doshi

At macro level, you should not buy any property under any kind of legal dispute. Still some of the court cases are non-consequential in nature and are more of personal disputes of owners of the company that may not impact you as a buyer. As i have not seen documents therefore cannot comment on nature of dispute. You can take the papers of legal case from the builder and show it to your lawyer. Based on his opinion, you may decide.

Mona Doshi
Mona Doshi
8 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thank you very much. I will definitely act as per your instruction. Regards, Mona Doshi

Sanjay D
Sanjay D
8 years ago

In principle approval of Home Loan is given by SBI for a Resale property after checking Borrowers repaying credibility, after that SBI is not issuing the SANCTION LETTER, they insisit on SALE AGREEMENT, in the Sale Agreement the Buyer commits in writing that the SBI wil pay the remaining amount as Home Loan. SBI takes this SALE AGREEMENT and does the property title check, Property Valuation Check, Property Structural Check, during this if SBI values the Property less than the Loan it had pre-approved then the Buyer is left High and Dry and has to run to arrange funds, the SALE AGREEMENT terms promised by Buyer to seller is SBI would pay 100% of the remaining amount as Home Loan which now ill be partially by SBI Home Loan partially by Buyer through own funds.
As a seller how can this shock be avoided and the sanctity of Sale Agreement is maintained in its letter and spirit because we cannot force SBI to issue SANCTION LETTER first by doing all the property verification and charging the processing fees even before going for the SALE AGREEMENT as they say it is not their policy.
SBI is forcing the Seller and Buyer into ambiguity by doing Property Valuation and loan Sanction letter after the SALE AGREEMENT IS DONE .

Hitesh Rana
Hitesh Rana
7 years ago

Sir I need to know my home loan of 9lac rs is approved, I take part payment of 5lac , and 4lac pending amount will pay to builder during saledeed.
If I have to cancel loan by any reason, can I cancel, what process of cancellation.
Hitesh Rana

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
7 years ago
Reply to  Hitesh Rana

You can deposit a cheque of amount equivalent to the balance outstanding with the bank and submit a written request for home loan closure. Bank will issue NOC and return all the original documents submitted by you.

Hitesh Rana
Hitesh Rana
7 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thank you so much sir.

7 years ago

This article nice but can you mentain the interest rates and needs more comparitive information and 100% Loan Guarantee Lowest Interest Rate & Instant Approval Nationalized Banks.We are Profession All Kind Of
LOAN providers For Home Loan,Housing Loan,Construction Loan,Mortgage Loan,TakeOver Loan,Loan Against Property (LAP),
TopUp Loan,Site Purchase Loan,DTCP Approval,CMDA Site Loan,( And )an For Cibil Defaulters
( Loan Rejected )( Loan Problems )( Low Salary Profile )( Loan Denied )

Gajanan Sarode
Gajanan Sarode
7 years ago

Sir, I want purchase a plot but this plot is NA-45 can get the loan form bank please guide me

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
7 years ago
Reply to  Gajanan Sarode

NA 45 is for unauthorized non agricultural use. In my opinion, you will not get bank loan. You should convert to NA 44 to avail loan.

7 years ago

i have paid EOI and 1st instalment of my flat . The builder though had gone ahead for registration flat sales agreement with me. but unfortunately the bank refused for my preapproval of loan due to age crossed 45 yrs. Can I get my full amount from the builder with and interest deduction.please help.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
7 years ago
Reply to  shiva

It depends on the cancellation terms and conditions mentioned in the agreement between you and the builder.

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