Understanding Option Chain

10 Tips to Crack Job Interview

Sleepless Nights, Loss of Appetite, Anxiety etc….Don’t take me wrong as I am not discussing about some disease but these are the few symptoms of Job Interview Fear or Phobia. Nothing to worry about the same, these are very common and during research it was observed that approx 80% of candidates suffer from Interview Fear / Phobia…At the same time those who overcome the fear of interview, have very high probability of being successful…There are some tips and tricks which can help u in getting your dream job…Lets find out how to overcome fear of interview & some useful Tips to Crack Job Interview.

1. Overcome the Fear of Rejection / Losing: Firstly lets understand why we fear the interview, answer is very simple..its not fear of interview but fear of rejection so it is very important to overcome the fear of rejection…How can we overcome the fear of rejection?

It is very easy to handle this fear, by simply changing your attitude and approach towards interview…Self confidence is very important in regard…I am going to share success mantra “Always appear in Interview with attitude as in you don’t need this job” YES, you read it right…Always appear in interview with this attitude…This approach will boost your Self Confidence. As per some psychological researches, if we need some thing in life then we chase it..When we chase, we fear loosing it even before getting it..1st focus should be to achieve that particular objective, once u achieve then only fear of losing comes into picture…So appear in interview with Full Confidence and with an Attitude that you don’t need this job…It will help you to overcome the fear of rejection or losing the job. No company will hire fearful person so overcome your fear if want the Job.

2.  Understand Job Requirement: It is very important to understand what is job profile and whether u fit in this profile or not…Always ask for Job Description before appearing for interview…Identify your strengths & be clear on what kind of candidate organization is looking for..It will help you to decide your approach during course of interview.

3. What all you are bringing it to the table? Always think that if u need this particular job then at the same time, organization is also looking for good candidate…During interview always focus on what all skill sets you will bring to organization & how it will benefit the organization in long benefit…Job is also doing a business, in our daily life if we buy any product or hire any service..we always look how this product or service will benefit us similarly you are also doing business with organization and try to showcase how organization is going to benefit if they offer this job to u.

4. Probable Questions & Answers: Once you are clear on Job Requirement, make a list of probable questions and their answers i.e. what all an interviewer can ask you..If need arises take help of your friends who are in similar position or industry…Trust me if u do this exercise seriously, you will be able to find out atleast 80% of questions which can be asked during the interview.

5 Never Fudge or fabricate your CV: Its a biggest and most common mistake by most of candidates..My sincere advice never ever fudge your CV…Organizations are smart & they will find out very easily that you have fabricated your CV. It can create problem for u in future and can even spoil your career, so always be honest in your approach.

6. Never Argue with Interviewer: It is advisable not to enter into any kind of  argument with Interviewer during interview..Lets accept that the person who is taking the interview has more experience, just listen & don’t argue to justify your point..I am not saying don’t put across your point but put it in a positive manner & don’t argue to justify that your are correct.

7. Be Honest & Flexible: Always be honest during interview..If u don’t know any answer just accept the same rather trying to give wrong answers…Besides knowledge, organizations give lot of importance to people who are honest in approach and also flexible in their approach…Never be rigid in your approach as business environment is changing very fast these days…Organizations always give importance to ppl with flexible approach rather rigid in nature.

8. Ask for feedback at the end of Interview: Before the interview closes, ask for feedback from interviewer irrespective how your interview went..It gives very positive impression about candidate…Organization feel that candidate has positive attitude & is willing to accept feedback

9. Salary Negotiations: Never ever ask for unrealistic salary hikes as it gives impression that you are not serious about the job and just changing the job for money….Kindly do your homework before salary negotiation i.e. with your experience and for the particular job profile what is industry benchmark…For junior and middle management, normal salary hike is in the range of 25% to 40%…Also in some of critical job profiles like treasury in banking you might get very high salary hike.

10. Never ditch the organization after accepting the Job: Again very common mistake and some ppl have habit of keep trying in various organizations for better package after receiving job offer & if they get another job, they simply say NO before joining..Trust me it can spoil your career in long run and you will never be able to reach top management with this attitude…World is very small and in this networked age you can’t hide these kind of actions…In future you will again come across same people & then no one will hire, if they find that you indulged in these tactics..If u don’t wish to join then pls don’t accept offer letter but after accepting if u say NO then it is totally unethical and unprofessional.

I have tried to cover all critical points but if i missed any, you are most welcome to add by commenting below..Also you can share you views/opinions on this article through comment section.

Copyright © 2011-2012 Nitin Bhatia. All Rights Reserved.

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Tauseef Alam
Tauseef Alam
11 years ago

You’re right Nitin, A well written CV, self confidence & proper dressing is the first step to crack an interview. Generally interviewer ask about general things to make out is the guy is suitable for the job or not.

Vikas P R
Vikas P R
10 years ago
Reply to  Tauseef Alam

Body language and dress sense play a major role know sir?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Vikas P R

I agree but rather i would say that person should be presentable.

10 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia


10 years ago
Reply to  hi

I attended my first interview in ibm hyd but I did not selected in introduction itself so I lost my self confidence how to bring my same interest back???i’m vry interested to work in an IT field sir pls reply me…

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  vijaylaxmi

You can ask for feedback from HR of IBM. It will help you to work on weak areas or points you missed during IBM interview. It is perfectly fine and professional to ask for feedback and know reason for rejection.

As the same time you should identify your strengths in IT field and target jobs in your areas of strength. Secondly to bring your confidence back you can practice mock interviews with the help of your friends or family members who can be interviewer. You should prepare a list of all possible questions which can be asked and prepare for answers. These questions can be asked your mock interviews.

Vaju Baldaniya`
Vaju Baldaniya`
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Very nice tips for an interview.

Avishek Chatterjee
Avishek Chatterjee
9 years ago

Wao.. Wonderful set of suggestions. Thanks.

10 years ago

What should be the answer when I shall be asked why are you leaving the previous job? Please reply.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  anu

This question should be answered positively. The answer should be linked to Growth opportunity, enhanced job profile, professional development & learning opportunities in new job. The candidate should never crib about existing company.

Rupesh Saxena
Rupesh Saxena
10 years ago

I had three consecutive failed interviews these days and I am a little bit into depression of losing and thinking that all others are getting placed (as I am right now attending my campus placement) and I am not getting a job , I read your article and some key points , but here I am doing something a bit wrong about myself. I know what are my skill set but when I face the interview and the interviewer doesn’t ask according to my skill set , then I feel a little bit uncomfortable in answering those questions which I don’t know. Suggest me some good tips how I can boost my self confidence.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  Rupesh Saxena

You may list down all possible questions which you are uncomfortable in answering. It is advisable to prepare well for such questions to boost self confidence.

jatin rana
jatin rana
10 years ago

it is very healthy & likely tricks
Thanks Nitin sir

jatin rana
jatin rana
10 years ago

hi nitin sir
if interviwer asked me tell me something your self ?
so what i tell him/her?
Pls ry urgent

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  jatin rana

This question is basically an opportunity to market yourself. You may briefly highlight your education background and job experience. After this Lay more emphasis on your achievements. If you are fresher then on academics and if you are experienced then highlight professional milestones achieved. Only highlight points relevant to job you have applied for.

9 years ago

Hello sir,since 5 years I am working in fitness industry as a sales manager. I have established few benchmarks in my job which no one did yet. now i am planning to change industry . Basically i did my school education from marathi medium. So i get afraid of loosing job opportunity just because i feel i will do mistakes while speaking in english. What should i do ?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Yo

I suggest you to join good English speaking course in your area. Also start reading English newspaper and watch English news/programs on TV. You can practice spoken English with any of your friend or family member to gain confidence. I am sure you can speak very English within 3-4 months.

9 years ago

Accepting multiple offers during notice period in current organization & then opting out the highest offer has became a trend now a days however I am not sure if organization keeps record of it so that they can avoid the same candidate in future.

I found Salary negotiation a biggest challenge in interviews, I have never got more than 40% however I am not sure sure how some people get 70 to 100% hike, still a big question mark for me.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Shadab

Salary negotiation depend on current salary levels and industry in which you are working. For Example, in IT industry ideal average salary is 2.5 times the no of years of experience. A person with 10 years experience should get 25 lakhs. Currently, if he getting a salary of 10 lakhs then obviously he can get more than 100% hike.

9 years ago


If interviewer asking while in a interview what is your achievement have been in the industry.But meanwhile i did not achieve anything.So what should i do?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Ajay

Answer is different for different industries. If you are working in IT industry then objective is to find whether you did anything 1st time in terms of coding, design, innovation etc.

9 years ago


I have various skills in my resume, it is hard to believe but I have done a lot in past two years of my career… PR, Corp. Comm., Marketing, Alliances, Social Media, PPC, Content Writing, a couple of large sales too.
All these things are true, but most of HR people fail to believe that I have achieved and learned so much in such a short time, and this thing have become a big hurdle in my current job search.
Please suggest what should I do?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  v

The areas highlighted by you are diverse functions and it is hard to believe that you acquired all these skills in just 2 years. It can also be perceived as instability in your career. These days organization hire specialized professionals instead of jack of all trades, master of none. Secondly, it is also important to highlight your contribution or achievement in these areas.

I suggest you to identify co-joint core competencies like Social Media + Content Writing or PR + Corp Comm and build your CV around these competencies. You should be able to highlight your contribution/achievements around these competencies.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

actually I am only looking for job in Corp. Comm and PR… but now working so far… lets see whats there in future…
anyway thank you Nitin, you are good at this stuff.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  v

Thanks and wishing you all the best :)

Kishor Verma
Kishor Verma
9 years ago

Hi Nitin Sir
I have completed my MBA in Marketing in 2013 since that i am not getting a job. I tried a lot to get the right job but i am not getting it . Always getting rejected in final or PI round .
Recently i Big MNC had walk-in in campus so i also went there i cracked GD then Aptitude and when i faced the PI round i have given all genuine answer but to my bad luck i got rejected.
But when i ask them about my rejection they simply say that they don’t like the answer of a question (What You have done after MBA?) My answer is that i have face several interviews but i am not getting the correct job or salary , so in between without any wasting time started to prepare my self for competitive exam like Banks, MPSC ,ssc UPSC..etc. I honestly answer the question but still get rejected and these is 5th time i am getting rejected.
so, plz give me your valuable feedback on these.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Kishor Verma

I do understand your problem. I suggest you to prepare list of all questions which are asked during personal interview and prepare +ve revert for all such questions. I am not saying you tell a lie but your can always answer it in a positive manner. Organizations are looking for people with +ve frame of mind.

The answer shared by you is negative and could have been given in a positive way example “After completing MBA i was preparing myself to take up a role in MNC Bank like XYZ (Where you gave interview). Banking sector require specific skill sets and i don’t think so that current curriculum of MBA in India takes care of all these requirement. During last 1 year i have gained necessary knowledge and skill sets which are must for banking sector. I think now i am ready to take up the responsibility of ABC role in XYZ bank “

Debankur Ghosh
Debankur Ghosh
9 years ago

Hello Sir,

I am currently pursing my B.Tech in CSE and I am a 7.17 pointer (till 5th Sem).
I am confident about my communication skills and the technical skills in my Favourite subjects. But I am getting demoralized with my grades. Will no reputed company select me because of my grades?
Please help.
Thank you.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Debankur Ghosh

Don’t worry my friend, you still have 3 semesters to increase your score. I suggest you to identify your weak subjects and start devoting more time on these subjects. You should devout 60% time on weak subjects and 40% on other for sometime. You may be very good in few subjects but other subjects are also imp. You can also take help of your teachers and friends who are good in your weak areas.

You can also take mock tests from previous years question papers, it will help to identify specific topics which need improvement. I am sure with little more effort, you will observe remarkable improvement in few months.

You also have to come out of negative frame of mind that companies will not select you. Trust me Industry need brilliant young people like you so please throw this thought out from your mind. All the best !!! Feel free to comment on this page if you need any specific support from my end.

9 years ago

Hello Sir,

I am VLSI professional with 4 Years Experience. I have joined one organization as a fresher and recently left the job after 4 Years.I have left the job due to salary issues with two months notice period.During this notice period i was not able to find a job.Now the notice period is completed and when i get a call from recruiters, they are asking me why you have left the job with out an offer in hand. I can’t bad mouth my previous employer.What should i reply to these type of questions?Please suggest me.


Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  shekhar

You may answer that you left job to upgrade your professional skills or due to some family commitment.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago

I suggest you to go though my post. As i mentioned 1st point in my post that you have to overcome the fear of rejection.

Shweta pandey
Shweta pandey
9 years ago

good afternoon sir,
dis is shweta…m prsuing my mba….n wnt to join corporate job in futur…..m afraid hw i’ll crack d intrvw…i feel shy n lacking wid self cnfidnc…plz suggst some ideas to ovrcm my fear….n gain self cnfidnc…

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Shweta pandey

I have suggested general tips in my post. Additionally, you can prepare a list of interview questions depending on your area of specialization and practice the same with the help of your friends or family members.

Dolly chauhan
Dolly chauhan
9 years ago

Good Afternoon sir,
I hv Completed MBA with Major Finance.. But I am No so Good at financial works..So I am Opting For Selling of Financial Products I.e. Marketing..But every interviewr Asks Me Y hv u CHoosen Marketing Job? or Why U Are in Finance?… and it left me with no answer.. Plz provide insight to this Problem… I hv Next interview Soon

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Dolly chauhan

I am assuming your Minor was Marketing. You may Answer
“I selected Finance because Finance is an Evergreen Sector. I decided to opt for marketing as my career as i was interested in marketing of Financial Services and Products. For marketing of financial services/products, it is must to have sound knowledge of financial basics and corresponding workings. MBA in finance provided me right platform to kick start my career in marketing of financial services. I can do well in this field as it resonates with my core strengths. If i would have opted for Marketing in MBA then it would have been difficult to pitch financial products to clients because of lack of financial knowledge”.

ann boban
ann boban
9 years ago

hello sir;
myslef ann n i’m currently doing my third year in bsc comp science ,actuly d problem is
i had 3 backlogs in my pervious year ,i cleared it recently and have scored 62% in my second year backlog
my question is …will any company hire me as i have been performed low in my last year
there’s a job fair coming recently n i am not confident as to what wil b the scenario
plzzzz do rply sir …..
some say that ,they wil not b impressed as because i had backlogs

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  ann boban

Normally the eligibility criterion is 60% aggregate to appear for interview. You should not worry, focus on how to convince the interviewer with your knowledge. Your friends are just demotivating you. From now on you should focus on your study and try to bring good marks in rest of the semesters. All the best !!!

9 years ago

Hello Nitin,

This sadgun here ,firast i want to tell you that your article is awesome and use ful , come to my problem i am 2010 passout in Btech ( CSE ) , i am unable to get a job , i was analysing myself where i am going wrong , i think may be with resume, and i am fear of interview , lack of public speaking , so i am think to …

Please suggest me some thing that fetch me a job

Thank you

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  sadgun

I suggest you to go through my post for tips and tricks.

9 years ago

Hi this Sachin has I have back log in three semester so I am trying to get the job in any bpo company thing is I will answer to all what hr ask but at last I won’t get select can you give any suggestion for these

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  sachin

As you mentioned that you answer all ques but still not selected by the interviewer. In this case, i suggest that you should check with interviewer and take feedback on your interview to know the exact reason.

9 years ago

hi sir , this is rosh . actually i passed my graduation in this yr itself 2015 june. i never tried in any of the leading companies. my dream is to work in big company where i can see my growth. but iam loosing my confidence before attemting. my problem is when i get nervous. ibecome deaf and i dont think and give right answer, iam be totally dum. i try to motivate myself, convince myself that i can do it. but as you said ”overcome the fear of rejection”. thats really difficult to me because how can i accept that bec my dream itself is getting job in big company. plz help me out.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  roshan

As i mentioned, you may attempt few mock interviews with the help of your friends. Secondly, you can practice most commonly asked questions to gain confidence.

9 years ago

sir roshan here, i forgot to ask you ”how to know my own skill sets”. i really dont understand. i feel like i dont have any skills at all. just a blank first class degree holder and nothing else dan dat. does it make any sense? no right ! what shuld i do than ? plz help me out, how to create my skill set?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  roshan

You may take feedback from your teachers, parents and friends

deepak yadav
deepak yadav
9 years ago

DEEPAK……sir i want to ask that, i have done my 12th class in the year 2010. After that i supported my father’s business…….if the interviewer ask me that what have u done in the last five years, then what will i tell to him/her……I am a fresher in a corporate world…. pls sir rply as soon as possible….I will be thankful to u sir

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  deepak yadav

You should not hide anything and can answer that “Due to family circumstances you supported your father’s business for 5 years. Now your father’s business is stabilized therefore you would like to build your own career”.

Srikanta Ojha
Srikanta Ojha
9 years ago

respected sir i got 58%in my 10th n 43% in my +2 and now i m in final year btec in cs branch .how can i get a good job ?? .please sir suggests me how can i get a good job.
thank u .

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Srikanta Ojha

You may focus on area of specialization and try to master the same. You will get a good job. Companies ignore marks if the candidate is good in area of specialization.

Srikanta Ojha
Srikanta Ojha
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

sir i am good at c programming. will it help me?? and sir please give me any tips on written exam for placement.
thank u sir ?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Srikanta Ojha

Only C programming will not help. You need to upgrade your skills according to market requirement. For written exams, you may request your institute to previous years papers. It will help you to understand the examination pattern.

Avisekh Pal
Avisekh Pal
9 years ago

Good evening sir…now I’m pursuing Diploma in mechanical engineering,final year.My % of marks between 1st semester to 4th semester is 70%…I’m very tensed about my future…how can I get a good job….please sir reply my answers as soon as possible…

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Avisekh Pal

You may identify your core strength in mechanical engineering and try to gain practical experience through internship or on the job training through your institution. You can target the companies which operate in your area of strength. If you are good in your specialization then you will definitely get a good job.

9 years ago

Good Afternoon sir, I have 1 year of experience and i am searching new job but i don’t know exactly how to search so could you guide sir please and also how to prepare for before interview.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  sathish

You may search through online portals. For interview, you may go through above mentioned points.

9 years ago

Hello sir i am mechanical student is it justified ti sit in an it sector company , i mean to say that TCS is coming to college, so should i sit in the interview ?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago

If you fulfill the selection criterion then you can definitely apply in TCS.

amanjot singh
amanjot singh
9 years ago

Nitin Sir, I am working in Domestic Airline BPO now I am looking for international travel agency. So I just wanted to know that what main thing should I need to focus for interview

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  amanjot singh

It is subjective. You should have thorough knowledge of your industry and how your skills can add value to your organization.

Chirag Gosain
Chirag Gosain
9 years ago

I have been working with the Domestic Airline BPO now I am looking for international travel agency. I have cracked the interview and got selected as well and have to join the company on 02 NOV 2015 ,,,,,what reason should i provide to my current employer in order to get relieving

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Chirag Gosain

You can say that you are leaving job for better career opportunities.

mohammed ibrahim
mohammed ibrahim
8 years ago

Hi…… I just have a dough that how to ask for a feedback after the interview

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago

There is nothing wrong in it. You may politely ask for a feedback on the interview.

Manikandan Ganesan
Manikandan Ganesan
9 years ago

hi nithin sir,

i have completed my BE(EIE) with 7.01 cgpa 2014 batch.i have also completed embedded system course.the thing is my fear make me every job ineterview unsuccessful.i have worried about that,so i cant move on further interview to get clear.i have so much suffer for unemployment and mentally depressed.i know technically something good about embedded,but i couldnt perform well in the particular time of interview sir,so everytime i suffered for that. it will make create negative thoughts of myself.pls give a solutions to me sir

Delisha Dcosta
Delisha Dcosta
8 years ago

My name is Delisha I am housewife. I have done degree in interior designing & I am starting my career after 8 yrs . Since its a very long time gap I am just a little bit scared about interview. Pls tell me how to explain your own profile

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Delisha Dcosta

Firstly, you should brush up your knowledge with the latest happenings in your domain. As 8 years is a long time therefore i suggest you to do some short term course on interior designing. After these 2 steps you should apply for interviews. In this case, you will be able to handle interview professionally. You can explain that due to personal/family commitments you took break but now you are very serious about your future career therefore you did a short term course on subject.

Manish Kaushal
Manish Kaushal
8 years ago

Hi Nitin,
Actually i need to ask you something else not as per the discussion i am sorry about it , well i am working with a well reputed as an Business development representative and i have 3 years of experience in sales but now i want to change my career , in google analytics, SEM is it a right choice to do so can you help me out. I need your advice please….

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Manish Kaushal

You may make a career shift but you should have 100% conviction that you will succeed. I made a career shift after 10 years :). From my experience, Its a painful process but with strong will power you can overcome. Also before making full fledged shift, you should test waters i.e. what all you want to do and how you will do it. Talk and discuss with some of the people who are in this field. Ask them challenges faced by them and mantras for success. Lastly, how will you manage your finances. Therefore, you should think through all the aspects before final decision.

I am always there to support and help my readers. You can post your queries on my blog. I will definitely answer within couple of days.

8 years ago

Hello Sir,
Thank you very much for this blog. It is reallyy an enlightening anecdote of a corporate life joiningand survival.
Thank youagain.

8 years ago

Hello Sir,
My name is jackqueline and completed my Bcom this year 2015. I was very scared to even attend campus interview. So once when I completed my graduation through consultancy attended my first interview in XYZ company just to take an experience and also for fear to leave me. My good luck I easily got through but it was not my job designation( complete IT helpdesk and had to take calls) but thought i wll not get an opportunity anywhere and decided, joined and it’s been 6months since am working here…. My major doubt is am a Bcom graduate and the work am dealing is complete technical issues with my clients where am not even aware off. is it worth staying here and incase i want to move to any other company for my particular domain is this experience of BPO taken into consideration??????? I have the confidence now that i can take up interviews my only confusion is my experience in XYZ company that have worked valid if i have to move to some finance realted job?? If it’s worth i can stay here and take experience and come out of the brand called fresher…. or else i shoud quit this job and join a company where it’s my particular domain…:( planning to quit next month but damn confused…. I even forgot what have studied and scared where that will leave me completely if am working in an IT company:-(
Plz guide me as to what can be done??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  jackqueline

As i mentioned that confidence is key. You need to figure out the reasons that scare you. Is it subject knowledge or facing interviewer. Accordingly, you should take corrective steps. As you have completed graduation this year only therefore it’s never too late. You can always explain why you joined current job.

Secondly, you should identify your core strength areas. You should not change the job just because you it is not your domain. You can only excel once you enjoy your work. If you know that you will enjoy doing finance job then you should brush up your knowledge and attend the interviews with confidence. Also, the companies know that freshers need training therefore you should focus only on basics.

At the same time, you can do some advanced part time course that suits industry requirement to increase employment prospects. For that you need to check the interview ads i.e. what exactly the employer is looking for.

All the best and do well !!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thank you so much sir

8 years ago

hello,sir am persuing final year engineering,i have stage fear phobia and am unable toe express my thoughts due to this am loosing oppurtunities please help me out..

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  rao

First you need to identify the reason from same. Some of the common reasons for stage fear are
1. Proficiency in Language. If you are not comfortable with the language then your fear
2. Knowledge on Subject Matter. If you are not confident about the subject matter then also there is a stage fear
3. Cannot face audience. In this case, a speaker fear to face the audience despite good knowledge and proficiency in language.

Based on the reason, i will suggest next steps.

Palak Bansal
Palak Bansal
8 years ago

Hi… Is it good to ask about the feedback at the end of the interview to the interviewer

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Palak Bansal

Yes, there is nothing wrong in it. You can always ask in a positive manner. It gives positive impression and organization think that candidate is receptive in nature.

karan chavan
karan chavan
8 years ago

Hello nitin sir,
my name is karan chavan and i have been working with a fitness brand for couter sales which was an inbound sales and now i have decided to change my field of function as i am not comfortable with field job ,i am focusing on administration profile but i am unable to get through interview related to admin profile , what should i do?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  karan chavan

Firstly, you need to identify key skills required for your target job. If there is any gap then you may try to fill through on the job experience/training. Secondly, you need to make changes in your CV so that it is more relevant for admin profile. Lastly, i observed that for admin profile, organizations prefer employees with good networking skills therefore you may focus on this area also.

Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar
8 years ago

Hi Nitin Ji,

My self Pavan I have resigned my job I am searching another job. But I have experience in MIS & customer service. I am not fluent in English. When I went for interview I am unable to speak continuously particularly about subject.

Somany jobs I have lose like this. So how will I overcome this fear. Need your suggestion.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Pavan Kumar

There can be 2 reasons (a) you are not comfortable with english language as such (b) You know the language but you are not able to express or speak. Please let me know the exact reason.

rama shankar
rama shankar
8 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

I understand english but can’t speak properly

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  rama shankar

You may join a good English speaking course to improve your proficiency in the language.

8 years ago

Hi Nitinji, My name is sagar, Working in a facility management company from 4 yrs. My designation is Operations manager. Now trying for new job for better growth. But my problem is i am under graduate. Will other companies will accept me on the basis of my exp. My current company is just 4yrs old, not an established company. I started the journey with them. What u suggest?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Sagar

In my opinion, you can complete your graduation along with job and then try for a new job.

8 years ago

Hello sir! my name is Mala, I’m working in a corporate office as Receptionist from last 4 years at same position no any growth, nothing good incriment, I’m MA (political science), I have total 7 years experience 2years in hosphitality industry for FOE, now I want to change my job profile so I aplyed for Managemet sir executive or admin or PA profile, I have given 20 interview but not gating job what should I do?
I asked some interviewer for feedback thay said “I’m to soft and communication skill problem”

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Mala

The positions targeted by you require good communication skills and assertiveness. I suggest you to join a short term program to improve communication skills and you can start demonstrating more assertiveness in your current profile. I agree it is not easy but you have start practicing to move up the ladder.

8 years ago

Sir, I joined one company but they were giving me very less salary ,8000 less than what I was getting pre iously I joined coz it’s nearby home but just after me a new girl joined nd she is getting 5000 more than what she was earning. Both of us getting same amount in our previous company is it ethical from company end,this made me sad we have same years of experience. Suggest me.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  NewDestiny

It depends on your negotiation at the time of joining. If you show more desperation to join then companies pay less. It depends who is in more need. There is no code or regulation in this regard.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Need suggestion shall I look for other job or continue with that, as u mentioned after accepting if i go its unethical and if i continues it will take more than two years to reach what I was getting earlier. Sir, need suggestion in this regard I am confuse. I made mistake but suggest me what shall I do now neither want to go against ethics nor want to suffer from loss for long.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  NewDestiny

Frequent job change is not good for your career. At the time of next appraisal you can discuss your case with your boss and may request him to rationalize your salary. Even if it doesn’t happen, you should complete 2 years and then find a new job.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Sure Sir!!!

Munna Pandya
Munna Pandya
8 years ago

My Name Is Karan Pandya, I have just written My Graduate exams And im Waiting for my results. But till Today I Faced many interviews…i am not able to clear any interview. Mostly i Fail At the opErations Round. Like I Am not able to Satisfy ThE Interviewr With my answers…Any tip For me ?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Munna Pandya

Sorry i could not understand what is meant by operations round. You may share the questions you are not comfortable answering and your replies to the same then only i will be able to help.

Rajesh J
Rajesh J
8 years ago

I have problem of childhood apraxia of speech… would it be hindrance to crack interview for electrical engineering field?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Rajesh J

I don’t think so that Childhood apraxia of speech is hindrance. If you are good in your subject and have thorough knowledge then you can easily get the job. You may request you employer to take written interview.

8 years ago

Helloo Sr, My name is Lavish and I hae a drlfferent -2 line experiences but all were quite related to customer service and I have also given so may interview but i could not understand why I was unable to crack the interview as before going for interview I studied about the companies and also look for the interview questions s kindly suggest that how can I crack the interview?

And also I wants to 9 as I have read so many times about the question which ” why do u wants to leave ur previous job? ” then we need to give possible answer but I could not understand what is the exact positive answer it should be related money , management or what so pls hep????

Also note that ur suggestion are good.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  LVR

After an interview, you should write down the questions asked by the interviewer and your corresponding answer to the same. It will help you to check what went wrong. Secondly, you should always take feedback from interviewer. It will give you some insights.

Ref to your query on “why do u wants to leave your previous job?”. In my opinion, you should highlight that you are looking forward for more challenging job from learning and growth prospective. Secondly, you should never criticize your existing company and say negative words. Lastly, emphasize that how the new job profile will help in your career compared to existing profile and why you are keen to take up new job profile.

8 years ago

I have 2 years experience in desktop , before 6 month i resigned, i got call from naukri but low salary,
i have to do course or what to do

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  prabu

You can benchmark your salary with experience and education qualification. In case, salary offered is less than benchmark then you should look out for some other job.

Harsh Mehta
Harsh Mehta
8 years ago

Hello sir i have completed my mba in finance from a decent college recently. I have receive a job as business executive(sales of financial product).But i am interested in core finance profile (Analyst). i will also be appearing for CFA level 1 in dec. i would like to move into core finance profile after working for 1 year as business executive. Will it be a problem to move from sales profile to core finance proflie Like ( Credit manager or credit analyst or financial research analyst type job ? or should i look for finance job now itself along with working as i am not want to remain idle. How should i deal this situation ? please help me its very urgent

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Harsh Mehta

It’s a catch 22 situation. The no of jobs in core finance is less and mostly experienced candidates are preferred from hardcore finance background (not MBA’s). At entry level, only jobs related to sale of financial products is available. Also remember that job market is bad. If i would have been in your place, i would have accepted current job offer.

nithesh h
nithesh h
8 years ago

Hello nitin bhatia ji,
I’m a mechanical engineering graduate from a decent college passed out in 2014.initially i thought my dad’s workshop will be a great asset to build my future as we used to receive good business but as time passed by our business activities drastically slowed down due to competitions from powder coating sector.
Now i decided to quit my dad’s job and find a new one. I’ve one question which i feel challenging to take on from an interviewer that is what did you do for 2 years. also will my experience count if i’m taking job in other sectors.

Thank you

Best regards,
Email: nitheshh23@gmail.com

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  nithesh h

Firstly, you should forget that your dad is owner of the company/factory in which you are working. You can always count experience you gained in your dad’s company. At the same time, you can comprehend your learnings to the interviewer. I don’t foresee any reason why you will not get a good job.

8 years ago

Hello Sir,
I am a commerce graduate in the year 2014.I have relevant experience in Hr & Counselling of 1 year, Now my interest is in Hr recruiting job….so what to do …PLEASE SUGGEST

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Kittu

You should identify the skill set required for Recruitment and Selection domain of HR. You should study and understand basics of this sub domain and then apply for job.

Mahima Mathur
Mahima Mathur
8 years ago

Hello nitinji.Thank you for the wonderful and insightful article.I am a bcom graduate with an MBA and a specialised certificate in hr.i also have 3 + years experience as hr and Admin executive.i have been trying for a job change from some time now but I m not able to get through.I have good communication skills as well as the interviewers seem impressed but somehow i don’t land up with the job.Also I don’t have experience in any hr software or sap and also I am not getting a chance to work on statutory compliances.I wonder if this is the reason for my not getting selected.what can I do to get myself a better chance for getting selected?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Mahima Mathur

As you might be aware that HR is a vast domain and there are sub-domains like
1. Job Requirement
2. Workforce Planning,
3. Recruitment and Selection
4. Training and Development
5. Performance Management
6. HR issues

These days organizations are not looking for specialists in specific HR domain. In other words, organization need jack of all trades. You should have working knowledge of all the domains.

I also suggest you to contact your interviewers and take feedback from them i.e. reasons for rejection. It will help you to prepare better for future interviews.

7 years ago

hello nitin sir , hope you are fine
sir , i recently completed my mba in hr from a decent college , bt did nt get placed from my college.
every single day i am going for interview in good company like wipro , hcl , etc. everyday the interview was going good and the feedback is also positive , bt not getting offer letter from any company .
till date i have attended 30 mnc company and cleared all round , also take the feedback from hr.
everything was positive but still not getting offerletter .
still my fight is on to get jpb in hr field.
kindly suggest .

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
7 years ago
Reply to  akash

Prima facie i don’t foresee any reason for rejection but always remember that selection is relative in nature. You are good but may be company get someone better than you. In my opinion, you should ask for detailed feedback next time. Something might be missing that you are not aware.

7 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

i asked the line hr many times , bt contra answer they are saying , m giving my best , bt not getting qny fruitful result from anywhere. i am confused what to do.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
7 years ago
Reply to  akash

Have faith in yourself. You take help of your friends and conduct multiple rounds of mock interview to find out where you are lacking. The mock interviewer person should be knowledgeable to give you critical feedback.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
7 years ago

I suggest to follow the tips shared by me in my post.

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