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25 Kg Weight Loss in 6 Months

Weight Loss
Weight Loss

Weight Loss is one of the most searched topic on internet. Obesity is the root cause of majority of lifestyle related diseases & other serious medical conditions. 6 months back, i hit a century (106*) not in cricket but in body weight. It was an alarm bell as i started facing other Health Issues due to obesity. I was a big time foodie contributing to the high profits of Soft Drink, Pizza, Burger & FMCG companies. In  my opinion if you eat food like a Medicine at young age than you need not to eat Medicines like Food at old age (Food for thought). At the same time, I strongly recommend not to consult Dietitians. No offence to profession but i consulted 3 dietitians. My observation is that they have nothing different to add & you will get standard advice everywhere.

The mere thought of Weight loss 6 months ago was like climbing Mount Everest or clearing IAS exam for me. Let me admit, I took the challenge of Weight Loss not willingly but considering my aggravating health issues. After thorough search on various diet plans & consulting few doctors, i set a target of 25 Kg Weight Loss in 6 months for myself i.e. to reach 81 kg.  Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator is best way to calculate ideal weight. I did lot of research on weight loss and studied the diet composition very thoroughly before adopting the same. In my opinion, western countries are more scientific & practical in approach. I read various case studies where people lost weight without compromising on fat in the diet though it is biggest culprit. For the benefit of readers, I will divide this post on Weight Loss into 4 parts (a) Do’s and Don’ts of Weight Loss (b) Weight Loss Diet (c) Daily Routine & (d) Weight Loss Exercise

Do’s & Don’ts of Weight Loss

1. WILL Power of an individual play very critical role, if you wish to succeed in this task. Let me be very honest that i myself thought of giving up multiple times during 1st Month. Statistics show that 98% people give up weight loss program within 1 week only. My honest confession, it is not easy to leave your favorite food. The one thing which kept me going was my single minded target of 81 kg.

2. Deferred Planning is another excuse, If you wish to implement change than implement the same from that particular moment. Any deferred planning in weight loss like i will leave cold drinks after 2 weeks and pizza after 1 month or after my birthday will never work. If you wish to leave junk food, make up your mind & cut down immediately. Don’t give 2nd chance to your brain to reconsider.

 3. Family Support is must. Weight Loss is a team work, you need team to achieve (Family members) your target. My family supported me by ordering Pizzas / Burgers in my absence. After returning home, i used to see only empty wraps and boxes in dustbin. They also helped me in following my diet schedule as my diet plan was completely different. Sometimes negative motivation also help. Imagine you are being told daily, “its very difficult” & “None of my friend was able to do”. For me it was like clearing IAS exam.

4. No Deviation Please: Initially my wife used to offer me junk food by saying “Anyways you are following strict diet, Have little..Nothing will happen” or “Just have 1 bite”. No means No..Only numerical kept revolving in front of my eyes were 8 & 1 i.e. 81 (Eighty One). I feel in love with weight loss target of 81 Kg.

5. Don’t expect overnight results: Some people have habit of checking weight every 3 hours. Trust me nothing is going to change overnight. 1st signs of success will be visible in 5-6 weeks. The best result will be seen between 2nd to 4th Month. After 4th month, the weight loss ratio will slow down considerably as body need time to adjust with these sudden changes. Just check your weight every 10 days.

6. Don’t overstretch: The weight loss result may vary from person to person but don’t go overboard as it might cause other health issues. If you are following healthy diet and routine strictly than no need to worry & results will follow.

7. Don’t be experimental: If you are following 1 diet pattern, have faith in same. Some people will start drinking 5 litre hot water daily, 5 hour Yoga practice, 3 Litre of Honey & Lime Water, Start brisk walk for 2 hours daily, 5 hour in Gym or 5 kg of Green tea stock at house etc etc. As the baby cannot be delivered in 2 months, nature takes its own course similarly weight loss is a natural cycle which require lot of patience and discipline. Trust me drinking hot water has no co-relation with weight loss. In-fact hot/warm water cause severe de-hydration. Yoga should be done only under expert supervision else it can cause damage to Kidney or Liver.

8. Crash Diet is worst form of Weight Loss. Any weight loss due to crash diet result in weight gain at faster rate once you are back to normal diet. Crash diet can cause several other serious health concerns. Diet quality is more important compared to quantity. Mantra of successful Weight Loss is Eat Right instead of Eat Less. I have not cut down on quantity but started eating right food.

9. Body need all ingredients in right proportion: Some people completely cut down intake of sugar, non-veg or butter etc. It is wrong way of weight loss as our body need all key ingredients. Some are required in low quantity whereas others in high quantity. A good doctor never recommend complete cut down of sugar even to diabetic patient or butter to patient with heart diseases. Right quantity is key to healthy life.

Weight Loss Diet

I will take the Liberty to call this diet as Nitin’s 10/10 Diet (Ten By Ten Diet). You should avoid 10 type of Food items and you can eat 10 type of Food items. Very Simple :)

Weight Loss

1. Wheat & Wheat Related Products

2. Rice & Rice Related Products

3. Red Meat like beef, pork, lamb etc

4. Soft Drinks, Coffee  & packaged juices

5. Cheese

6. Banana

7. Ice-cream

8. Chocolates, Biscuits, Peanuts, Namkeen etc

9. Junk Food like Pizza, Burger etc. & Sweets

10. Packaged Food / Food with Preservatives

Weight Loss

1. Only Brown Bread

2. Ragi & Ragi related products including flour

3. Maize, Jowar & Bajra including flour

4. Chicken (Only Tandoori/Kababs), Fried Fish (Once in a Month) & Daily 1 boiled Egg

5. All vegetables

6. Daily 1 Dal in regular meal

7. Dry Fruits excluding Cashew (1 handful daily)

8. All Fruits

9. Sprouts and Corn

10. Milk & Milk related products like Paneer, Curd etc (Without preservatives)

If you feel like eating sweets than you may go for Jaggery or Gur. You can also have 2-3 pieces of Dates which are healthy & increase body immunity. Trust me above mentioned diet can do wonders for you, if follow it with strict discipline

Daily Routine

Following Right Diet is 1 part but maintaining daily routine is equally critical. As we all know that doctors suggest that rather having 2-3 heavy meals daily, we should have 4 portions of light meal. Following the same philosophy during weight loss period stick to following meal plan

1st Meal at 8 AM: In 1st meal, you can have a Glass of Milk, Dry Fruits and Boiled Egg. If you feel hungry, you can have 1 Brown bread sandwich. Besides these food items, you should not eat anything

2nd Meal at 12 PM: After 4 hour, you can have 2nd portion of meal for the day. In this you can have cut mixed fruits, sprouts, corn or salad.

3rd Meal at 4 PM: In this meal you can have 1 Brown Bread sandwich with the fillings of Paneer/Veg /Omelette etc with Tea.

4th Meal at 8 PM: Last meal of the day will be proper meal with 2 roti’s of Ragi / Maize / Jowar / Bajra along with 1 Vegetable + 1 Dal + 1 portion of curd and Salad. You should have dinner atleast 2 hours before going to sleep.

Weight Loss Exercise

Daily 40 Mins of Brisk walk for 3-4 days in a week is sufficient or 20 mins swimming 3-4 days in a week. A brisk walk, cycling & swimming are considered to be best form of exercise with maximum health benefits. Cycling is not recommended for weight loss as it need slight athletic built up & initial practice. In short, not too much emphasis on exercise but Brisk walk / swimming is must.

With this i have shared my secret of  25 Kg Weight Loss in 6 months. Lastly, i must confess that weight loss is an addiction and now i have set a target of 75 Kg in next 3 months. Hopefully i will write the post on same :) You can share your inputs/feedback/suggestions on following comments section.

Copyright © Nitin Bhatia. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: This post is not a medical advice. The information shared in this post is my personal experience which is Generic in nature and is provided/shared for informational purpose. The advice in this post is not a substitute of any medical advice, attention or treatment. Please consult your Physician for specific medical condition or before following any specific diet. The readers are acting on their free will and consent to contents of this post including comments.

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10 years ago

Congratulations, buddy. It was a pretty rapid loss. Thanks for sharing.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago
Reply to  KK

Thanks :) Keep reading..

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
10 years ago

Thanks for liking the post :)

9 years ago

Hi nitin..its useful. I am 85 and 24 yrs old..
but I work for night shift ..so my routine habits are different so please can you suggest me..

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  mahalakshmi

In my opinion, you can adjust your body clock according to your sleeping cycle. For example, if you sleep during day time from 11 AM to 6 PM then you can have breakfast diet at around 8 PM i.e. 1st meal, 2nd meal at 12 Midnight, 3rd mean at 4 AM and Dinner i.e. 4th meal in morning at around 8 AM.

Roshni Wand
Roshni Wand
9 years ago

Hiii m at 87 n 25 yrs old, m thinking to follow this frm tomorrow…can u tell me by when can I witness the loss on my scale ?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Roshni Wand

Every individual has different body cycle. You can see results in 3 to 6 months.

Shabnam Mohammad
Shabnam Mohammad
9 years ago

hello sir, i am 23 yrs old and 75kgs of weight with 5 2″ height, i want to reduce 25 kgs, how much time will it take

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago

Results may vary from individual to individual depending on age, how the body reacts to new diet plan etc. In my opinion, it should take anywhere between 6 to 9 months. Rapid drop in weight is not suggested by the doctors.

riju ganguly
riju ganguly
9 years ago

Sir iam 5ft10inch and 98kg. Iwant to loose 25kg in 5months. Ido daily 80mins excercise like sprint,walk,yogas.I also maintain diet. Only one thing is than I eat 1cup rice in lunch with veg and fish and 2rotis at night. Can I reach to my goal.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  riju ganguly

As i mentioned that each individual react differently. If the weight increases is due to Thyroid problem then diet control and exercise will not help. Rice and Wheat should be avoided still you can consult dietitian for personalized diet.

9 years ago

Hi I’m 44 years old 166.9 cm and 83 kgs. Need to loose 25 kgs. If I have a cup of 3 in 1 coffee with some biscuits and oatmeal for dinner, can I achieve the result in 6 months? I always fail my diet. I want to keep on trying. But always have cravings for favorite food. That fails my plan all the time :(

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Irene

As i mentioned in my post that weight cannot be reduced by cutting down on your diet. You can reduce weight by eating right food. Coffee is high in Caffeine which is not good for health. Moreover without self control you cannot lose your weight. I have gone through this phase and i can understand your problem. I suggest you to consult a dietitian.

9 years ago

hiiiiiiiiiiiii i m 17 years old and my weight is 86kg whatttt can i do i want that lose my weight in 1 week

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  sana

Sudden weight loss is not good for health. It should be gradual.

Kamlesh Kumar
Kamlesh Kumar
10 years ago

Hi Nitin,
You had provided the complete rule book of weight loss, no need to visit or follow strict dietician and their self confessed diet plans.
I was just searching all this info on net for quite some time and today fortunately got right in my Inbox.
Highly recommeded to everyone.

8 years ago

I have both rice, banana and read meat in my diet and I have still lost 30 kg the last year…all about moderation and exercise…

8 years ago

I have hypo thyroid
I’m 5.3 this and 72wt 28yrs
How can this diet plan works to me

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Malli

I don’t think so that it will work for high Thyroid. It is medical condition and you should consult doctor to keep it under control.

qaiser shah
qaiser shah
8 years ago

hi sir , i am 28 years old and 5.7″ in height having 107 kg weight….i have started walking at 5km/h walking, 5 days a week..i stopped drinking juices , cokes etc but only black tea with milk and sugar 2 cups daily.i ve reduced my daily eatings ie. i eat less than before now.i dont do any other excercise. can i lose 22kg in 06months by above mentioned routine?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  qaiser shah

It is subjective as everyone react differently to particular diet. I suggest you to check disclaimer and consult your physician.

8 years ago

Hi Nitin,

This is really very motivational.

Will start following this from tomorrow onwards.

However i have already started doing Yoga. Just wanted to know whether i can loose 25kgs of my weight in 6 months by doing 1 hour yoga but without daily brisk walk. I will follow the above diet. will it work for me?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Aarti

Scientifically there is NO correlation between yoga and weight loss. Based on my experience, i will prefer brisk walk. As i shared that this post is based on my personal experience. It may or may not work for others but only mantra to reduce weight is to eat healthy :).

8 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Maybe u haven’t tried surya namaskar yet. It works wonders. Gradually increasing the count and pace helped me in losing 10 kgs in 40 days. Just surya namaskar, bhastrika pranayam, kapalbhati and a healthy diet.

Yogesh Rajput
Yogesh Rajput
8 years ago

Nitin Sir
Im 20, having 98 kgs having 10 minutes high intensity workout and eating only fruits help me reduce 20 in 3 months.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Yogesh Rajput

As i mentioned in my post that every individual react differently. For example, if the reason for increase in weight is thyroid then it requires medication. I suggest you to check with your physician before following any diet control measures.

8 years ago
Reply to  Yogesh Rajput

Really Can u please send me ur diet plan

8 years ago

Im 24,weighing 74kgs. Will the above diet plan be suitable for me?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  nikitha

I suggest you to check with your doctor before following the diet mentioned on this post.

Aditya Rathi
Aditya Rathi
8 years ago

Very well written article having including all the major areas and aspects. One should really follow without any concerns and doubts.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Aditya Rathi

Thanks for liking the post :)

8 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Dear sir
Am Having 97 KG Weight
Not eating anything beside normal diet
(Poha in Break Fast , 2 Cup Tea Daily , 1 Cup Milk , 6 Roties and Seasonal Veg with Salad in Whole Day)

Need to shed my Weight
Eating upper said things will do some miracle

Please Guide

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Sushil

I suggest you to check with your doctor before following any particular diet plan. A diet plan suitable for person A might not be suitable for person B.

Swapnil S. Navle
Swapnil S. Navle
7 years ago

as u mentioned diet plan above how many calories ?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
7 years ago

I have not calculated calories.

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