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Home Loan for Women – Is it true?

Home Loan for women
Home Loan for women

Home Loan for Women at Concessional Interest Rates reads one of the hoardings near my house. My wife called one of her friends and told her about the Home Loan for Women. Her friend is a single working woman and looking for a flat in Noida. I knew that bank will not lend to a single women borrower at any cost. As i was not in a mood to dampen the spirit and enthusiasm of 2 friends, therefore, i was a mute spectator to this discussion. After few weeks, her friend called me and told me that bank is not approving her so-called “Home Loan for Women“. The bank was demanding either a co-applicant or guarantor for her home loan. Finally, she dropped the idea of purchasing a house. This whole incident made me wonder Is Home Loan for Women truly for Women Borrowers?

I can understand if a bank refuses to lend to a housewife or non-working women as there is no source of income. The refusal of a loan to working women is clearly a gender bias. Now in the case of my wife’s friend, her close relatives are not willing to be a co-applicant or guarantor. I do agree with their stand as i shared in my post, Beware of being a Home Loan Co-Applicant. Now someone will agree provided she make that relative a co-owner in the property. My question is why? as she is pooling entire money from her pocket. In short, Home Loan for Women is not truly for female borrowers. Some states give a discount on stamp duty if the property is registered in the name of women. What is the use of such schemes, if a women buyer cannot avail Home Loan for Women in the true sense. From my childhood days, i keep hearing about women empowerment. Trust me the empowerment is only pseudo women empowerment. “Roti, Kapda aur Makaan” are 3 basic necessities of a human being. Even a single working women also has a right to own a house without any dependency on others. Also, i would like to clarify that by single women i am not referring to only widows or divorcee. The women in the family should also have a right to own a house. If she is financially independent or has received lump sum amount from her savings then she should be able to buy property on her own. On the other hand, let’s check some of the reasons why banks refuse Home Loan for Women without a co-applicant or guarantor

Home Loan for Women – Why Banks don’t lend?

(a) Continuity of Source of Income:

The biggest concern of a home loan provider in a home loan for women is continuity of income. Normally, women take a career break when they plan to extend a family or after the marriage. In few cases, family circumstances force women to leave their settled career. In fact, in one the studies on NPA’s, it was mentioned that gross NPA is high in case of a home loan for women (Single Borrower). Bank is right to address such concerns, but such conditions can be handled differently. Banks can show flexibility and allow women borrowers to add a co-borrower and co-owner in such situations. Alternatively, if the women borrower wishes to sell the property during distress times then the bank can help to find a buyer. Though these are out of box solutions but it will help in true financial independence to women buyers. Another solution is to decrease the LTV ratio for women borrowers in a high-risk category. I am sure such steps will encourage more women to buy property independently.

(b) Insurance for Women:

Any home loan, be it a home loan for women should be backed by the insurance cover. In Indian society, the concept of women insurance is alien. Though the same risk rests with a male borrower but due to financial awareness, the default is not that high. At the end of the day, the objective of a bank is to recover their money in case of an unfortunate event. The solution to this problem is that home loan for women should be compulsorily bundled with Term Insurance Plan. Please note that i am not referring to Home Loan Protection Plan. The insurance policy can be assigned to the home loan provider in case of a home loan for women.

Why banks push Home Loan for Women in Current Form?

In current form the home loan for women is a trap. Banks are incentivizing by offering the discount of 0.05% in the interest rate. The only per-condition is that women should be a co-borrower. By doing so, the banks are hedging their risk. Assuming i took a home loan for women in the name of my wife and she is only a co-borrower. If something happens to me then bank will harass her. In such case, my wife will be in a big trouble. Assuming i have 2-3 more legal heirs then they can stake a claim in my property but will not bear the home loan liability. If i avail home loan for women in current form and something happens to me then i will pass a big liability for my wife. The entire liability of home loan will be on her shoulders. In an ideal scenario, the home loan liability should be passed to all the legal heirs.

The Solution:

The current form of home loan for women should be changed. The objective of such loan should be women empowerment and financial independence to the women. Currently, it is only serving the purpose of a risk hedging for banks. Currently, the borrowers don’t understand the implication of home loan for women in case of any unfortunate event. They are happy to include their wife for 0.05% lower interest rate. The existing product needs 360 degree revamp. Instead of 0.05% subsidy, the objective should be to encourage Women only borrowers. This is only possible by introducing a scheme similar to sukanya samriddhi account. Such scheme will be a right step towards financial inclusion of women. Though the law has given a lot of rights to women but now it’s time to move towards financial independence and true empowerment.

Hope you liked the post !!!

Copyright © Nitin Bhatia. All Rights Reserved.

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Siddhartha Saha
Siddhartha Saha
9 years ago

Dear Sir,
Very good and informative article.

I had faced a similar situation while availing Home Loan from LIC HFL wherein my wife has been put us First borrower and my self is second borrower. Though I am only paying the EMI. In the “Deed of Conveyance”, my wife’s name was registered as First owner and myself as Second owner.

I have also an intention to shift to SBI the Home Loan in future (Possibly after March,2015) when 2 years lock -in period will be over.

I had already talked to SBI in this regard. SBI Asst Manager for Home Loan had seen my documents and suggested that my Home Loan Transfer is possible if only I take Home Loan from SBI in toto as LICHFL i.e. my wife’s name will be as first borrower and my name will be as second borrower. though I shall pay all the EMI.

However, one question has come to my mind that if I am going to transfer Home loan and property is in the joint names with my wife as well as myself and I am the main borrower, then why I can not take home loan as First borrower? It should be as per my wish and i don’t want to avail 0.05% interest concession. Even I can be single borrower as I shall be paying the full EMI.

Sir, previously you have guided me to clear my doubts in your forum,

I am hopeful that you will again clarify my doubt in this regard.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago

A first borrower or second borrower does not make any difference. As the property is joint therefore bank will not lend to single borrower.

siddhartha saha
siddhartha saha
9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thanks for your reply.

9 years ago

Hi Nitin,

I have a query. If I get a loan from sbi now at 9.55% (BR=9.3 + Markup 25), what happens if the base rate increase to 11% ? Will i have to pay 11.25% ? Is this markup only applicable to new customer or does banks have the power to change it mid way as they like during the tenure ?

If markup was zero, is it like – I only had to pay interest at BR through out the tenure ?


Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  Anish

Markup is fixed for home loan tenure. In future, bank may offer to reduce markup by charging conversion fees. If markup is 0% then Home Loan Interest Rate is directly linked to base rate.

9 years ago

Hi Nitin,

I am very found off your articles, Really your knowledge sharing process is rocking. I have a query about general mandatory / Optional Charges taken by Bank or HFC to Process Home Loan in adidtion to Processing Fee (i. e. fixed)

For example
Charges for Loan Agreement
Charges for Valuation
Charges for Technical / Legal
Charges for Stamp Duty/ Ticket if any
Charger for Loan Insurance- Is it mandatory?
Other if any hidden- except Nominal charges.

Best Regards
CA Saurabh Jain

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago

Except for Home Loan Insurance, a bank may charge borrower under other heads. Most of these charges are nominal.

Saurabh Jain
Saurabh Jain
8 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Hi Nitin,

Thanks for your reply.
What point should we keep in mind while signing any Document/ Declaration at time of Disbursement of Loan amount.

Please also mention the Type of Documents and their purpose

One more thing wants to know , How can we avoid any Loan Insurance Premium if Charged by Bank/HFC.

For Example PNBHFL charged premium for two Insurance….1. Home and 2. Life of Borrower. Can Borrower deny this ?

Please share your inputs on this area also.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Saurabh Jain

A borrower can deny Home Loan Insurance which is basically Group Life Insurance policy. For other queries, you may check my posts on Real Estate and Home Loan.

8 years ago

Hi! Nitin, I have a query, I have invested in property in Noida with wife as co-applicant. I have loan from ICICI, on wife’s name against the property. Upon possession, will i be able to take all the tax benefits, as the loan EMI is being adjusted from my personal account. Also, during registration of property, while the BBA has wife as co-applicant, can i still register property on my name ?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Jaspreet

It is not clear whether you are a co-owner or not i.e. your name is included in agreement with the builder or not. Also you should be co-borrower along with co-owner to claim tax deductions on home loan.

A R J Kiranmayi
A R J Kiranmayi
8 years ago

Hi Nitin
Thanks a lot for sharing so valuable information. I have learnt basics of home loans from you. May God bless you.
I am planning to take 15-18Lacs home loan. I am a self-employed woman, and my salaried husband would be co-borrower and co-owner as well. I have come across General Insurance company with 8.87% fixed interest for 10years (for women under rural scheme) and Canfin homes with 8.85% under same scheme. Actually before I came across these two, I preferred SBI @ 9.5%.
Can you please suggest me which l lender I would prefer. Actually I don’t know the depths (pros and cons) of these loans, but I believe you suggest me the best deal with minimum interest rate.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago

Thanks for your encouraging words. The 8.85% interest rate by Canfin is under Gruhalaksmi Rural Housing Scheme (GRHS). The interest rate is fixed only for 5 years. After that interest rate will increase.

In my opinion, 8.87% interest of GIC that is fixed for 10 years will be better option. Also check whether any rest clause is there in the home loan agreement or not. A reset clause in fixed interest rate home loan allow the lender to change the interest rates after fixed period say 3 years or 5 years.

If there is a reset clause in GIC agreement then in my opinion, SBI is the 2nd best option.

A R J Kiranmayi
A R J Kiranmayi
8 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thanks a lot Nitin.

Moumita Ghosh
Moumita Ghosh
8 years ago

Hi Nitin, I am a married woman and I want to buy a house for my parents who need to relocate from our native town. Will my father be eligible as a co-applicant (not sure if father-married daughter pair works) or a guarantor (he is retired and in his 60s)? I guess I would need either a co-applicant or a guarantor for the loan to be approved. Please can you suggest how it would be possible…

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Moumita Ghosh

A combination of Married Daughter and Father is not allowed for joint home loan. It seems you will be paying for the property purchase/EMI. In this case, your husband can be home loan co-applicant and you can buy property in your name. In future, you can gift this property to your parents.

Moumita Ghosh
Moumita Ghosh
8 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thanks a lot for your inputs.

Hitesh Patel
Hitesh Patel
8 years ago

I am going for home loan from SBI. I want to put both my and my wifes name in the loan documents as well as home documents. First name in bank loan will be wife name. and 2nd will be mine. Same will be in the case of home document. Whether I will get loan from sbi with 9.5% (woman). Also whether I will get the tax benifit. my house wife is not working and I will be the only emi payer for loan.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Hitesh Patel

I will not suggest you to include your wife’s name.

Vandana Singh
Vandana Singh
7 years ago

Very nice article. Thank you. I really liked your suggestion for women only homes.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
7 years ago
Reply to  Vandana Singh

Thanks for liking the post.

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