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Why Sharad Pawar is Playing Musical Chair?

It seems that News Channels don’t have news to show or print therefore they are giving lot of importance to the Musical Chair being played by Sharad Pawar.  We can also refer it as Arm Twisting tactics, i will share the reasons for same.

It is an irony that same Sharad Pawar was expelled by congress for disputing the right of Sonia Gandhi to lead the Congress in 1999 & now he is demanding No. 2 position in same Congress Govt, whose Chairperson is Sonia Gandhi. In politics there are no permanent friends and no permanent foes.

When Pranab dada was Finance Minister then he was undisputed No. 2 in the Govt (As per Media) by the way No. 1 is Sonia Gandhi. Now you will be thinking what about PM, its better i will not get into it and stick to my core topic. In the UPA meeting just after Pranab Dada resigned as Finance Minister, Sharad Pawar got the seat occupied by Pranab Babu i.e. Seat for No. 2 in UPA but in next meeting this seat was assigned to AK Antony (Defense Minister). Sharad Pawar got furious with this new arrangement and resigned from Post of Agriculture Minister along with Praful Patel.

I am wondering, Is this the right reason for creating so much suspense & uncertainty? I doubt as Sharad Pawar is a seasoned politician, who throw his dice at the right time. He is a loyal soldier of UPA and supporting Congress Govt without creating any ruckus like Mamta Banerjee or Mulayam Singh Yadav (He threw googly with Mamta Banerjee just before President Election). Now suddenly what made him to throw this tantrum of withdrawing support from UPA, definitely its not the Seat No. 2 in UPA meetings but there is something else.  What is it?

In North India there is a famous saying that “Even a mother don’t feed her baby till the baby cry” so if want something then u need to cry and create ruckus then only someone will listen to u and understand ur importance.

I think from quite sometime, Sharad Pawar was observing that all the regional parties who are creating lot of noise and are keeping the UPA Govt on toe are actually gaining a lot in their Home States either by way of Central Grant or by gaining People’s Sympathy in their state by portraying that even though they are part of Govt but still they are fighting with Central Govt for the rights of people in their state.

In Maharashtra elections are due in 2014 along with Lok Sabha Elections and Sharad Pawar knew that till the time he throw a tantrum, he will not get anything for Maharashtra and secondly there is anti-incumbency wave in the against Congress – NCP Govt in Maharashtra. If his party doesn’t create noise now then they will loose badly in 2014 elections and he will be cut to the current size of Lalu Prasad Yadav, who was also one of the key partner of UPA in past (Unofficial No. 2 in the Govt.). Its all number game and whichever party will get numbers in Lok Sabha they will get the prime importance in UPA as it happened with Lalu (Completely ignored) and Mulayam (UPA knows that SP will do better in 2014 so Mulayam is getting Prime Importance in all UPA meetings).

Sharad Pawar was just waiting for an excuse to move out of Govt and in all probability NCP will support UPA from outside. There is no better excuse that Maratha Strongmen is not getting due respect in UPA, which is hurting Maratha pride. By doing this he will kill 3 birds with one stone (a) Gain People’s Sympathy in Maharashtra (b) Keep UPA on toes like other allies (c) Will have greater say in Maharashtra Govt, Currently Prithiraj Chavan is one man army and is emerging as strong leader.

He knows that in politics, only 3 things matters “Performance”, “Performance” & “Performance” (I watched “The Dirty Picture” recently so inspired by same)  and no one knows he might be targeting Seat No 1 in UPA-3. Its a gamble which might pay off, only time will tell. Its better to forego Seat No. 2 for Seat No. 1 :)

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