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Why Raj Thackeray Dislike Migrants?

As a human being, we always form an opinion which suits our goals and objectives but no one gave a thought Why Raj Thackeray dislike Migrants?. Recently Raj Thackeray delivered very powerful speech against migrants specially from Bihar and UP at Azad Maidan. If Raj Thackeray would have been CM of Bihar then his stand would have been totally different & assume Nitish Kumar being chief of MNS then same Nitish Kumar would have supported anti migrant stand in Mumbai. Both leaders are taking a stand which suit their political goals.

I have stayed in Mumbai for almost a decade and i can vouch for it that Marathi’s are peace loving people, who believe in co-existence infact my maximum friends are Marathi’s though i am not a Marathi. The so called “English” media is totally against Raj Thackeray but no one wondered “Why Raj Thackeray Dislike migrants?”

Answer is very simple, though Mumbai has grown exponentially but its Local Marathi Population is not a part of this growth story. This is the key reason for growing dissonance and anger among Marathi Manoos. We might give multiple reasons like Marathi’s are not original natives of Mumbai and Mumbai’s local natives are fisherman’s etc etc. If we dig the history of any Indian city then we can observe that it cannot be concluded, who are local natives of that city. To conclude the same we just need to check out Modern History and going by this logic Aamchi Mumbai belong to Marathi Manoos so as Saddi Dilli belongs to Punjabi’s, Namma Bengaluru to Kannadiga’s, Mana Hyderabad to Telugu’s or Nama Chennai to Tamil’s.

Today Developed cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad or Ahmadabad are bearing the brunt of  inefficiencies of laggard states, which are responsible for maximum migration. I am not advocating that cross state migration should be banned, In India everyone has right to move to any city or state to earn livelihood and Indian Law provide equal opportunity for all. At the same time, the Law should ensure that any city or state should not be hijacked by migrants and benefits of growth should be passed equally to local population. To prove my point, i would like to highlight that every state reserve 85% seats in educational institutes till graduation for Domicile holders i.e. Natives of that state. On same lines, some sort of quota should be provided to domicile holders of the state in Pvt Jobs so that they should not feel left out.

If the growth benefits are not passed to Local Population then it will only create hatred and anger against migrants, which Raj Thackeray is trying to use for his political gains. I observed that if native state does not provide enough  growth opportunities then only people migrate but at the same time natives have equal rights in Growth story & should be given due share. If Govt provide Growth opportunities in native state of migrants then i am sure that they would love to go back and stay in their home states. No one would like to leave their Home Town or State but if enough opportunities are not available then people are forced to move. The Govt should focus to provide equal growth opportunities in all states rather focusing on growth of only few states so that this problem can be tackled.

Copyright © 2011-2012 Nitin Bhatia. All Rights Reserved.

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12 years ago

What you posted here is total non-sense. Cant believe there are still people who believe in reservation.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
11 years ago
Reply to  Haha

Its better to have region based reservation rather caste based reservation

8 years ago

agree with nitin

8 years ago

casteism and communalism is only ganga kinara phenomenon

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